产品名称 Mouse HMW & Total Adiponectin ELISA from ALPCO
产品货号 47-ADPMS-E01
产品价格 现货询价,电话:010-67529703
产品规格 96 wells
产品品牌 ALPCO
Product NameMouse HMW & Total Adiponectin ELISA
DescriptionThe Mouse HMW & Total Adiponectin ELISA kit is for the quantification of mouse total and HMW adiponectin in serum and plasma samples. Using an antibody sandwich format and 96-well microplate comprising removable strips, a single Mouse HMW & Total Adiponectin ELISA kit has the performance characteristics and flexibility necessary to confidently measure up to 40 samples in duplicate. The shelf-life of the components and the resealable microplate pouch allow for convenient storage for future use if the entire kit is not needed at one time. Sample Types: EDTA plasma, plasma, serum. Sample Size: 43595 µL. Range: 0.125-8.0 ng/mL. Sensitivity: 0.032 ng/mL. Time: 3hr
Size96 wells
ApplicationsImmunoassays. Research Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.
Other Namesn/a
Gene, Accession, CAS #n/a
Catalog #47-ADPMS-E01
Order / More InfoMouse HMW & Total Adiponectin ELISA from ALPCO
Product Specific Referencesn/a