








Articular cartilage is the smooth white tissue that covers the ends of bones where they come together to form joints. Healthy cartilage in our joints makes it easier to move. It allows the bones to glide...



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Development of an Electromechanical Grade to Assess Human Knee Articular Cartilage QualitySim S, Chevrier A, Garon M, Quenneville E, Lavigne P and Buschmann MDAnn Biomed Eng. doi: 10.1007/s10439-017-1879-4. (2017)

Quantitative assessments of articular cartilage function are needed to aid clinical decision making. Our objectives were to develop a new electromechanical grade to assess quantitatively cartilage quality and test its...
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Automated Indentation Mapping of Vocal Fold Structure and Cover Properties across SpeciesGregory R. Dion, MD, Jean-Francois Lavoie, PhD, Paulo Coelho, DDS, PhD, Milan R. Amin, MD, Ryan C. Branski, PhDLaryngoscope. 2018 Nov 8. doi: 10.1002/lary.27341
Objectives/Hypothesis: Various animal models have been employed to investigate vocal fold (VF) and phonatory function. However, biomechanical testing techniques to characterize vocal fold structural properties vary and have not...
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Control of lung vascular permeability and endotoxin-induced pulmonary oedema by changes in extracellular matrix mechanicsAkiko Mammoto, Tadanori Mammoto, Mathumai Kanapathipillai, Chong Wing Yung, Elisabeth Jiang, Amanda Jiang, Kristopher Lofgren, Elaine P.S. Gee and Donald E. IngberNat Commun. 2013;4:1759. doi: 10.1038/ncomms2774.
Increased vascular permeability contributes to many diseases, including acute respiratory distress syndrome, cancer and inflammation. Most past work on vascular barrier function has focused on soluble regulators, such as tumour-necrosis...
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Multi-modal characterization of polymeric gels to determine the influence of testing method on observed elastic modulusDavid M. Kingsley, Caitlin H.McCleery, Christopher D.L.Johnson, Michael T.K.Bramson, Deniz Rende, Ryan J.Gilbert, David T.CorrJournal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, available online 10 January 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmbbm.2019.01.003
Demand for materials that mechanically replicate native tissue has driven development and characterization of various new biomaterials. However, a consequence of materials and characterization technique diversity is a lack of consensus within the...
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Cross-linked Cellulose Nanocrystal Aerogels as Viable Bone Tissue ScaffoldsDaniel A. Osorioa, Bryan E.J. Lee, Jacek M. Kwiecien, Xiaoyue Wang, Iflah Shahid, Ariana L. Hurley, Emily D. Cranston, Kathryn GrandfieldActa Biomaterialia, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actbio.2019.01.049
Chemically cross-linked cellulose nanocrystal (CNC) aerogels possess many properties beneficial for bone tissue scaffolding applications. CNCs were extracted using sulfuric acid or phosphoric acid, to produce CNCs with sulfate and phosphate...
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Electromechanical probe and automated indentation maps are sensitive techniques in assessing early degenerated human articular cartilageSim S, Chevrier A, Garon M, Quenneville E, Lavigne P, Yaroshinsky A and Buschmann M DJournal of Orthopaedic Research, 35(4), 858-867.
Recent advances in the development of new drugs to halt or even reverse the progression of Osteoarthritis at an early-stage requires new tools to detect early degeneration of articular cartilage. We investigated the ability of an electromechanical...
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Electromechanical properties of human osteoarthritic and asymptomatic articular cartilage are sensitive and early detectors of degenerationHadjab I, Sim S, Karhula S.S, Kauppinen S. Garon M, Quenneville E, Lavigne P, Lehenkari P.P and Buschmann MDOsteoarthritis Cartilage. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joca.2017.12.002. (2017)
Objective: To evaluate cross-correlations of ex vivo electromechanical properties with cartilage and subchondral bone plate thickness, as well as their sensitivity and specificity regarding early cartilage degeneration in human tibial...
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Evaluation of a novel technique to map the mechanical properties of an entire articular surface in indentationSim S, Quenneville E, Garon M, Hoemann CD, Hurtig M and Buschmann MDInternational Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS), Turkey, 2013, Podium presentation (11.2.9)
Purpose: Mechanical testing of articular cartilage is recommended by the FDA for products intended for the repair or replacement of knee cartilage. One experimental configuration that has many practical advantages is indentation. However, one...
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Validation of a surgical wound healing model in Sprague-Dawley ratsAuthier S, Fournier S, Chaurand F, Gordon C, Garon M, Cloutier L and Troncy EPaper presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the American College of Toxicology (November 2006)
BACKGROUND: Wound healing is a biological process that can be altered by drugs in specific therapeutic classes. The aim of the study was to validate a wound healing rat model with tensile strength measurements. 
Assessment of Human Articular Cartilage Issued from Asymptomatic & TKR DonorsHadjab I, Sim S, Quenneville E, Garon M and Buschmann MDBiomedical Engineering Society 2015 in Tampa, Floride
Introduction: Cartilage degeneration is a progressive process and currently, only end-stage surgical treatments such as total knee replacement (TKR) lead to an improved condition. To prevent or delay this surgery, several less invasive...
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Guided subchondral bone marrow stimulation through a novel biomaterial microparticle approachHoemann C, Guzman-Morales J, Chen G, Picard G, Veilleux D, Sim S, Garon M, Quenneville E, Buschmann MD, Lafantaisie-Favreau CH and Hurtig MPresentation #335.2 on Fri May 20 from 16:30 to 18:15 in Room 516C at World Congress on Biomechanics, Montreal, May 2016
Hyaline-like cartilage repair can be occasionally elicited by bone marrow stimulation procedures however mainly in younger patients, indicating the need for further treatments to improve success rates in middle-aged patients. Traditional...
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Mapping Articular Cartilage Biomechanical Properties of Normal and Osteoarthritis Mice Using IndentationLavoie JF, Sim S, Quenneville E, Garon M, Moreau A, Buschmann MD and Aubin CE2015 International Cartilage Repair Society, May 7-11 2015, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Podium presentation (ID: 23.2.9)
Purpose: Due to their size (~1mm), mouse models pose significant challenges to map biomechanical properties over their articular surfaces. The purpose of this study was to determine if an automated indentation technique could be used to map...
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Mapping Articular Cartilage Biomechanical Properties of Normal and Osteoarthritic Mice Using IndentationLavoie JF, Sim S, Quenneville E, Garon M, Moreau A, Buschmann MD and Aubin CEOsteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI), 2015 April 30, Seattle, WA, United States
Purpose: Due to their size (~1mm), mouse models pose significant challenges to map biomechanical properties over their articular surfaces. The purpose of this study was to determine if an automated indentation technique could be used to...
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Mapping Articular Cartilage Biomechanical Properties of Normal and Osteoarthritic Mice Using IndentationLavoie JF, Sim S, Quenneville E, Garon M, Moreau A, Buschmann MD and Aubin CEOsteoarthritis and Cartilage 23 Suppl. 2, p. A254 (2015)
Purpose: Due to their size (~1mm), mouse models pose significant challenges to map biomechanical properties over their articular surfaces. The purpose of this study was to determine if an automated indentation technique could be used to map...
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Novel Technique to Map the Biomechanical Properties of Entire Mice Articular Surfaces Using IndentationSim S, Lavoie JF, Moreau A, Quenneville E, Garon M, and Buschmann MDOsteoarthritis and Cartilage, 22(1), 541. World Congress on Osteoarthritis, April 2014, Paris, France.
Purpose: An important measure of articular cartilage function in health and disease is its biomechanical properties. While much research has mouse models of osteoarthritis, the assessment of biomechanical properties in these small joints is...
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Novel Technique to Map the Biomechanical Properties of Entire Articular Surfaces Using Indentation to Identify Degenerated (Osteoarthritis-like) CartilageSim S, Chevrier A, Garon M, Quenneville E and Buschmann MD7th World Congress on Biomechanics, 2014, Boston, MA, USA. Poster 2229
Introduction: A currently unsatisfied need in Arthritis and cartilage research is to assess the function of the entire articular cartilage surface both quantitatively and non-destructively. The objective of this study was to investigate the...
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Indentation Method to Map Mechanical Properties of Articular Surface to Identify Degenerated RegionsSim S, Chevrier A, Garon M, Quenneville E and Buschmann MD2014 Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society, 2014, San Antonio, TX, USA. Podium presentation (ID: OP-Sat-3-4)
Introduction: The identification and quantitative grading of early degenerated regions over an entire articular surface remains a challenging quest. The objective of this study was to investigate the ability of a novel technique to...
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Correlation of Non-destructive Electromechanical Probe () Assessment with Histological Ss and Mechanical Properties in Human Tibial PlateauSim S, Chevrier A, Garon M, Quenneville E and Buschmann MDOrthopeadic Research Society Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, 2015, Poster 1228
The purpose of the study was to investigate if electromechanical properties of human tibial plateau correlate strongly with histological ss and with biomechanical properties as in human distal femurs (Sim et al., 2014). Six pairs of tibial...
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Relevance of the Spatial Distribution of Mechanical Properties of Articular Cartilage in Animal StudiesSim S, Hadjab I, Garon M, Quenneville E, and Buschmann MDOrthopeadic Research Society Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, 2015, Poster 0359
Introduction: In cartilage regeneration and repair, mechanical testing of articular cartilage characterizes functional restoration of the repair site [1] and can detect early degeneration of articular cartilage [2]. However, the experimental...
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Evaluation of Entire Ovine Cartilage Repair Articular Surfaces: Mechanical and Electromechanical AssessmentSim S, Hadjab I, Garon M, Quenneville E, Hurtig MB, Buschmann MD and Hoemann CDTransactions of International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS), Chicago, 2015, 7-11 May 2015, e-Poster: P87
Purpose: To demonstrate the ability of non-destructive electromechanical device and automated indentation technique in assessing the quality of cartilage in a sheep model of cartilage repair. 

Wound Healing Revealed by a Novel Automated Indentation TechniqueSim S, Garon M, Quenneville E and Buschmann MDCanadian Connective Tissue Conference 2015 in Quebec, Canada
Introduction: Mechanical characterization of wound healing in skin samples mostly relies on uniaxial tensile rupture tests, which provide local information along the wound and are disruptive for samples (Chao et al., 2011). In this study, we...
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Development of a Sequence of Mechanical Tests for Articular Cartilage at a Single LocationSim S, Chartrand A, Lavallee AP, Tessier J, Garon M, Quenneville E and Buschmann MDOrthopeadic Research Society Annual Meeting in Orlando, 2016
In a recent study, our group has highlighted the importance of considering the natural topographic variability of the mechanical properties over the articular surface, particularly in the context of cartilage repair, where it can screen the effect of...
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Cartilage Stiffness and Thickness Distributions Revealed by an Automated Indentation Technique in the Temporomandibular JointSim S, Matuska A, Garon M, Quenneville E, McFetridge P and Buschmann MDTMJ Bioengineering Conference - V, September 12-13, 2016, Barcelona, Spain
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the capability of an automated indentation technique to reveal the topographical variation of mechanical properties over the entire articular surface of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), especially the...
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Correlation of Non-destructive Electromechanical Probe () Assessment with Histological Ss, Biochemical Composition and Mechanical Properties in Human Knee JointsSim S, Chevrier A, Quenneville E, Garon M and Buschmann MDTransactions of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, LA, USA, Poster 0439, 2014
Introduction: Histological scoring, biochemical analyses and biomechanical testing (unconfined compression) are often seen as gold standard characterizations for articular cartilage but can present major drawbacks in the context of animal and...
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Novel Technique to Map the Biomechanical Properties of Entire Articular Surfaces Using Indentation to Identify Osteoarthritis-like RegionsSim S, Chevrier A, Garon M, Quenneville E and Buschmann MDTransactions of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 2014, New Orleans, LA, USA, 2015, Poster #2015
Introduction: It is challenging to identify and grade degenerated regions of the entire articular surface both quantitatively and non-destructively. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the ability of a novel technique to...
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Age-dependence of the Pattern of Cartilage Electromechanical Properties in the Ovine Stifle JointSim S, Picard G, Quenneville E, Garon M and Buschmann MDTransactions of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Antonio, TX, USA, 2013.
Introduction: The biochemical composition and mechanical/electromechanical properties of articular cartilage evolve during growth. The objective of this study was to examine the age-dependence in the distribution pattern of electromechanical...
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Streaming Potential-Based Arthroscopic Device Can Detect Changes Immediately Following Localized Impact in an Equine Impact Model of OsteoarthritisChangoor A, Quenneville E, Garon M, Hurtig MB and Buschmann MDOsteoarthritis and Cartilage, Vol. 17, Supplement 1, S53, World Congress on Osteoarthritis, September 2009, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (2009)
Early Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis (PTOA) can be asymptomatic but represents a possible window of opportunity for therapeutic intervention before disease progression. Impact models are ideal for studying these strategies because the location and...
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Comparison Between In Vitro and Simulated Arthroscopy Electromechanical Measurements of Human Articular Surfaces Using the Sim S, Becher C, Garon M, Quenneville E, Hurschler C and Buschmann MDInternational Cartilage Repair Society 2016 in Sorrento, Italy. Poster 132
Purpose: The output of the was originally streaming potentials integral (SPI) parameter (Abedian-2013). Since then, the output has changed to a quantitative parameter (QP) (Sim-2014). The purpose of this study was to reanalyzed old...
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The Verification of the Mechanical Properties of Binder Jetting Manufactured Parts by Instrumented Indentation TestingZhou Y, Tang Y, Hoff T, Garon M and Fiona Yaoyao Zhao43rd Proceedingsof the North American Manufacturing Research. Volume 1, Pages 327–342. (2014)
In order to figure out the mechanical properties of free form biomedical parts made by Additive Manufacturing (AM), Instrumented Indentation Testing (IIT) is introduced to measure the Young’s modulus from the free surface of the parts. The research...
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Combined Mechanical Characterizations Increases Sensitivity in the Assessment of Human Cartilage DegenerationSim S, Hadjab I, Chevrolat L-A, Masse M, Tong AL, Lavigne P, Garon M, Quenneville E and Buschmann MDAccepted for a podium presentation at ORS 2017
Introduction: We published a recent study showing superior sensitivity of electromechanical and indentation (instantaneous response) assessments versus well-established techniques, including histological Mankin s, to characterize...
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Non-destructive electromechanical assessment () of human articular cartilage correlates with histological ss and biomechanical propertiesSim S, Chevrier A, Garon M, Quenneville E, Yaroshinsky A, Hoemann CD and Buschmann MDOsteoarthritis Cartilage, 22(11) 1926-35. (2014)

OBJECTIVE:The hand-held ? device is used to map electromechanical properties...
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Electromechanical probe and automated indentation maps are sensitive techniques in assessing early degenerated human articular cartilageSim S, Chevrier A, Garon M, Quenneville E, Lavigne P, Yaroshinsky A, Hoemann CD and Buschmann MDJ Orthop Res, 35(4) 858-867. (2017) Epub 2016 Jun 22

Recent advances in the development of new drugs to halt or even reverse the...
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Freeze-Dried Chitosan-PRP Injectable Surgical Implants for Meniscus Repair: Pilot Feasibility Studies in Ovine ModelsGhazi Zadeh L, Chevrier A, Hurrtig MB, Farr J, Rodeo S, Hoemann CD and Buschmann MDRegen Med Ther, 1(1) 16-29. (2017)
Clinical management of meniscus tears often involves partial meniscectomy, which can lead to Osteoarthritis (OA). Meniscus repair augmentation strategies are being developed to compensate for the tissue’s limited healing response. The purpose...
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Can the contralateral limb be used as a control during the growing period in a rodent model?Mustafy, T., Londono, I., & Villemure, I.Medical Engineering and Physics, 58, 31–40. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.medengphy.2018.04.013
The contralateral limb is often used as a control in various clinical, forensic and anthropological studies. However, no studies have been performed to determine if the contra-lateral limb is a suitable control during the bone development period. The...
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A study of saliva lubrication using a compliant oral mimicG. Carpenter, S. Bozorgi, S. Vladescu, A.E. Forte, C. Myant, R.V. Potineni, T. Reddyhoff, and S.K. BaierFood Hydrocolloids, Elsevier, Available online 23 January 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodhyd.2019.01.049
Due to ethical issues and the difficulty in obtaining biological tissues, it is important to find synthetic elastomers that can be used as replacement test media for research purposes. An important example of this is friction testing to...
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Experimental and finite element analyses of bone strains in the growing rat tibia induced by in vivo axial compressionTanvir Mustafy, Irène Londono, Isabelle VillemureJournal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials
The objective of this study was to develop and validate a voxel based FE modeling approach to investigate bone strains from in vivo rat tibial compression during the adolescent period. To do so, in vivo strain gauge measurements and voxel based...
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Bioinspired lubrication: from fundamentals to joint protectionX. Banquy, J. Faivre, G. Xie, K. Matyjaszewski, T. Delair, L. David, J. Burdynska, F. Moldovan, S. Benayoun, B. ShresthaICoBT, Montreal, Canada, September 27 2018. Oral presentation S8.1.
Introduction: We describe the design of bioinspired lubricating and wear protecting fluids based on synergistic mixtures of bottle brushes (BB) and linear polymers solutions. To illustrate this concept we used hyaluronic acid (HA) - a naturally...
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Long Term Efficacy of Cartilage Repair Induced By scSOX9 in Situ with Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem CellsZhang X, Wu S, Zhu Y, Chu CQArthritis Rheumatol. 2018; 70 (suppl 10). Abstract Number 850
Background/Purpose: Microfracture induces fibrocartilage or fibro-hyaline cartilage both are biomechanically inferior to hyaline cartilage. We reported previously that a super positively charged SOX9 (scSOX9) improved the quality of...
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The effect of two nonresorbable suture types on the mechanical performance over a metal suture anchor eyeletActon D, Perry A, Evans R, Butler A, Stephens P, Bruce W, Goldberg J, Sonnabend D and Walsh WKnee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 2004, 12(2), 165-168
An understanding of the mechanical properties of different suture materials is valuable when selecting the most appropriate suture and repair technique. Sutures should be strong, easy to handle and have high knot security. The introduction of suture...
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Heightened aberrant deposition of hard-wearing elastin in conduit arteries of prehypertensive SHR is associated with increased stiffness and inward remodelingArribas SM, Briones AM, Bellingham C, Gonzalez MC, Salaices M, Liu K, Wang Y and Hinek AAm J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 2008, 295(6), H2299-2307
Elastin is a major component of conduit arteries and a key determinant of vascular viscoelastic properties. Aberrant organization of elastic lamellae has been reported in resistance vessels from spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) before the...
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Sensitivity of indentation testing to step-off edges and interface integrity in cartilage repairBae W, Law A, Amiel D and Sah RAnn Biomed Eng, 32(3), 360-369. (2004)
Step-off edges and tissue interfaces are prevalent in cartilage injury such as after intra-articular fracture and reduction, and in focal defects and surgical repair procedures such as osteochondral graft implantation. It would be useful to assess...
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Indentation probing of human articular cartilage: effect on chondrocyte viabilityBae W, Schumacher B and Sah ROsteoarthritis and Cartilage, 15(1), 9-18. (2007)
BACKGROUND: Clinical arthroscopic probes based on indentation testing are being developed. However, the biological effects of certain design parameters (i.e., tip geometry and size) and loading protocols (i.e., indentation depth, rate, and ...
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Novel fluoro-terpolymers for coatings applicationsBaradie B and Shoichet MS.Macromolecules, 38(13), 5560-5568. (2005)
A series of thermally stable, elastomeric and hydrophobic fluoro-terpolymers of tetrafluoroethylene (TFE), vinyl acetate (VAc), and poly(dimethylsiloxane) methyl acrylate-terminated (PDMSMA), P(TFE-ter-VAc-ter-PDMSMA), were synthesized in...
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Biomechanical models for radial distance determination by the rat vibrissal systemBirdwell JA, Solomon JH, Thajchayapong M, Taylor MA, Cheely M, Towal RB, Conradt J and Hartmann MJJournal of neurophysiology, 98(4), 2439-2455. (2007)
Rats use active, rhythmic movements of their whiskers to acquire tactile information about three-dimensional object features. There are no receptors along the length of the whisker; therefore all tactile information must be mechanically transduced...
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A comparative biomechanical analysis of term fetal membranes in human and domestic speciesBorazjani A, Weed BC, Patnaik SS, Feugang JM, Christiansen D, Elder SH, Ryan PL and Liao JAmerican journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 204(4), 365. e325-365. e336. (2011)
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to biomechanically characterize and compare human, porcine, equine, and ovine fetal membranes. 

STUDY DESIGN: Noncontact metrology was used for topographic...
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Tensile properties in collagen-rich tissues of Quarter Horses with hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia (HERDA)Bowser J, Elder S, Pasquali M, Grady J, Rashmir-Raven A, Wills R and Swiderski CEquine Vet J. 2014 Mar;46(2):216-22. doi: 10.1111/evj.12110. Epub 2013 Aug 30.
REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia (HERDA) is an autosomal recessive disorder of Quarter Horses characterised by skin fragility. Horses with HERDA have a missense mutation in peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans...
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Development and Validation of Large-Sized Engineering Cartilage Constructs in Full-Thickness Chondral Defects in a Rabbit ModelBrenner JMaster thesis Queen's University. (2012)
Long-term applicability of current surgical interventions for the repair of articular cartilage is jeopardized by the formation of mechanically inferior repair tissue. Cartilage tissue engineering offers the possibility of developing functional...
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Development of large engineered cartilage constructs from a small population of cellsBrenner JM, Kunz M, Tse MY, Winterborn A, Bardana DD, Pang SC and Waldman SDBiotechnology progress, 29(1), 213-221. (2013)
Confronted with articular cartilage's limited capacity for self-repair, joint resurfacing techniques offer an attractive treatment for damaged or diseased tissue. Although tissue engineered cartilage constructs can be created, a substantial...
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Mechanical response of ankle ligaments at low loadsButler AM and Walsh WRFoot & ankle international, 25(1), 8-12. (2004)
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to examine the mechanical behavior of human ankle ligaments at low forces. Predominantly, ankle ligaments have been studied under the auspices of ligament injury. While the mechanical properties of a...
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Assessment of a Regenerative Therapy Strategy for Chondral Defects in Articular CartilageCarroll AThesis Queen’s University, 2015
Osteoarthritis is one of the leading causes of disability in adults over the age of 40 years, and there is currently no curative measure for the disease. As a result, there is a critical need for a strategy that can promote cartilage regeneration. Of...
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Association of 3-dimensional cartilage and bone structure with articular cartilage properties in and adjacent to autologous osteochondral grafts after 6 and 12 months in a goat modelChan EF, Liu IL, Semler EJ, Aberman HM, Simon TM, Chen AC, Truncale KG and Sah RLCartilage, 3(3), 255-266. (2012)
The articular cartilage of autologous osteochondral grafts is typically different in structure and function from local host cartilage and thereby presents a remodeling challenge. The hypothesis of this study was that properties of the articular...
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A new radiopaque embolizing agent for the treatment of endoleaks after endovascular repair: Influence of contrast agent on chitosan thermogel propertiesCoutu JM, Fatimi A, Berrahmoune S, Soulez G and Lerouge SJournal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 101(1), 153-161. (2013)
A new injectable radiopaque embolizing agent has been developed, based on chitosan thermogelling properties. Different commercial contrast agents (Isovue®, Visipaque®, and Conray®) were associated with chitosan-?-glycerophosphate. Their impact on...
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Enhanced mechanical properties in cellulose nanocrystal-poly(oligo ethylene glycol methacrylate) injectable nanocomposite hydrogels through control of physical and chemical cross-linkingDe France KJ, Chan K.J.W, Cranston ED and Hoare TBiomacromolecules. 2016 Feb 8;17(2):649-60. doi: 10.1021/acs.biomac.5b01598. Epub 2016 Jan 15.
While injectable hydrogels have several advantages in the context of biomedical use, their generally weak mechanical properties often limit their applications. Herein, we describe in situ-gelling nanocomposite hydrogels based on poly(oligoethylene...
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Determining the modulus of intact bovine vertebral cancellous bone tissue: Development and validation of a protocolEngbretson ACMaster thesis Queen's University. (2010)
Cancellous, or spongy, bone accounts for nearly 80% of the human skeleton’s internal surface area, despite comprising only 20% of its mass. It is made up of a network of struts and plates that provide lightweight internal support to mammalian...
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Tuning the Microenvironment: Click-Crosslinked Hyaluronic Acid-Based Hydrogels Provide a Platform for Studying Breast Cancer Cell InvasionFisher SA, Anandakumaran PN, Owen SC and Shoichet MSAdv. Funct. Mater. 2015. DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201502778
A big challenge in cell culture is the non-natural environment in which cells are routinely screened, making in vivo phenomena, such as cell invasion, difficult to understand and predict. To study cancer cell invasion, extracellular matrix (ECM)...
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Development of scaffold-free elastic cartilaginous constructs with structural similarities to auricular cartilageGiardini-Rosa R, Joazeiro PP, Thomas K, Collavino K, Weber J and Waldman SDTissue Engineering Part A. Volume 20, Numbers 5 and 6, 2014, pp 1012-26 (2014)
External ear reconstruction with autologous cartilage still remains one of the most difficult problems in the fields of plastic and reconstructive surgery. As the absence of tissue vascularization limits the ability to stimulate new ,...
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Injectable Interpenetrating Network Hydrogels via Kinetically Orthogonal Reactive Mixing of Functionalized Polymeric PrecursorsGilbert T, Smeets NMB and Hoare TACS Macro Letters, 2015, 4, 1104-1109.
The enhanced mechanics, unique chemistries, and potential for domain formation in interpenetrating network (IPN) hydrogels have attracted significant interest in the context of biomedical applications. However, conventional IPNs are not directly...
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Evaluation of a bioabsorable polylactide film in a large animal model for the reduction of retrosternal adhesionsIliopoulos J, Cornwall G, Evans R, Manganas C, Thomas K, Newman D and Walsh WJournal of Surgical Research, 118(2), 144-153. (2004)
OBJECTIVES: An adult pig model of retrosternal adhesion formation via an inferior hemisternotomy was used to evaluate the formation and development of pericardial and retrosternal adhesions, as well as adhesion reduction using two thicknesses...
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The Aortic Wrap Procedure - A Surgical Method of Treating Age-Related Aortic Dilatation and StiffnessIliopoulos JPhD Thesis, University of New South Wales, Sydney. (2006)
Introduction: There is progressive stiffening and dilatation of the aorta and large elastic arteries with aging as a result of the repetitive cyclic stress they are exposed to throughout life. Aortic stiffening has a number of detrimental...
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Shear mechanics of the TMJ disc - relationship to common clinical observationsJuran CM, Dolwick MF, and McFetridge PSJ Dent Res. 2013 Feb, 92(2):193-8.
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a complex hinge and gliding joint that induces significant shear loads onto the fibrocartilage TMJ disc during jaw motion. The purpose of this study was to assess regional variation in the disc's shear loading...
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Micro-CT visualization and indentation properties of whole meniscus following mercury exposureKolaczek S, Changoor A, Hurtig M, Gordon K and Getgood AAnnual Meeting of the ORS, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, March 15-18, 2014.
A major risk factor for knee osteoarthritis (OA) is meniscal injury or excision. Surgeons now advocate for meniscal repair or allografts rather than excision with this knowledge in hand. Clinical assessment of the meniscal load sharing is limited...
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Engineering of Hyaline Cartilage with a Calcified Zone Using Bone Marrow Stromal CellsLee WD, Hurtig MB, Pilliar RM, Stanford WL and Kandel RAOsteoarthritis and Cartilage (2015), doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2015.04.010
In healthy joints, a zone of calcified cartilage (ZCC) provides the mechanical integration between articular cartilage and subchondral bone. Recapitulation of this architectural feature should serve to resist the constant shear force from the...
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Soft Tissue Phantoms for Realistic Needle Insertion - A Comparative StudyLeibinger A, Forte AE, Tan Z, Oldfield MJ, Beyrau F, Dini D and Rodriguez y Baena FAnnals of Biomedical Engineering. pp 1-11 (2015)
Phantoms are common substitutes for soft tissues in biomechanical research and are usually tuned to match tissue properties using standard testing protocols at small strains. However, the response due to complex tool-tissue interactions can differ...
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Characterization of the effect of microfracture surgery and angle of incidence on the structural properties of femoral boneLiang LD, Wagner A, Steeds J, Hurtig M and Gordon KStudies by Undergraduate Researchers at Guelph, 7(1), 56-61. (2013)
Microfracture surgery is one of the most common treatment options for knee osteoarthritis, a chronic inflammatory disease of the knee joint. However, a recent study by Theodoropoulos et al. (2012) has shown that there are significant variations in...
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Effects of demineralized bone matrix on tendon-bone healing in an intra-articular rodent modelLovric V, Chen D, Yu Y, Oliver RA, Genin F and Walsh WRThe American journal of sports medicine, 40(10), 2365-2374. (2012)
BACKGROUND: Techniques to improve and accelerate tendon-bone healing could be advantageous in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Effects of demineralized bone matrix (DBM) on intra-articular tendon-bone healing have not been...
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The effect of terminal sterilization on structural and biophysical properties of a decellularized collagen-based scaffold; implications for stem cell adhesionMatuska AM and McFetridge PSJ Biomed Mater Res Part B, 2014, pp 1-10
Terminal sterilization induces physical and chemical changes in the extracellular matrix (ECM) of ex vivo-derived biomaterials due to their aggressive mechanism of action. Prior studies have focused on how sterilization affects the mechanical...
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Biomechanical and biochemical outcomes of porcine temporomandibular joint disc deformationMatuska AM, Muller S, Dolwick MF and McFetridge PSArchives of Oral Biology. 64, 2016, 72–79
Objective: The structure–function relationship in the healthy temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc has been well established, however the changes in dysfunctional joints has yet to be systematically evaluated. Due to the poor understanding of...
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In vivo dynamic loading reduces bone growth without histomorphometric changes of the growth plateMenard AL, Grimard G, Valteau B, Londono I, Moldovan F and Villemure IJ Orthop Res. 2014 Sep;32(9):1129-36. doi: 10.1002/jor.22664. Epub 2014 Jun 6.
This in vivo study aimed at investigating the effects of dynamic compression on the growth plate. Rats (28 days old) were divided into three dynamically loaded groups, compared with two groups (control, sham). A device was implanted on the 6th and...
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Static and Dynamic Compression Application and Removal on the Intervertebral Discs of Growing RatsMenard AL, Grimard G, Massol E, Londono I, Moldovan F and Villemure IJournal of Orthopaedic Research Month 2015, pp.1-9. (2015)
Fusionless implants are used to correct pediatric progressive spinal deformities, most of them spanning the intervertebral disc. This study aimed at investigating the effects of in vivo static versus dynamic compression application and removal on...
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Bone growth resumption following in vivo static and dynamic compression removals on ratsMenard AL, Grimard G, Londono I, Beaudry F, Vachon P, Moldovan F and Villemure IBone. 81 pp. 662-8 doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2015.09.013. (2015)
Mechanical loadings influence bone growth and are used in pediatric treatments of musculoskeletal deformities. This in vivo study aimed at evaluating the effects of static and dynamic compression application and subsequent removal on bone growth,...
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Hyaluronic acid click hydrogels emulate the extracellular matrixOwen SC, Fisher SA, Tam RY, Nimmo CM and Shoichet MSLangmuir, 29(24), 7393-7400. (2013)
Hydrogels are used to create 3D microenvironments with properties that direct cell function. The current study demonstrates the versatility of hyaluronic acid (HA)-based hydrogels with independent control over hydrogel properties such as mechanics,...
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The shear mechanical properties of diabetic and non-diabetic plantar soft tissuePai S and Ledoux WRJournal of biomechanics, 45(2), 364-370. (2012)
Changes in the plantar soft tissue shear properties may contribute to ulceration in diabetic patients, however, little is known about these shear parameters. This study examines the elastic and viscoelastic shear behavior of both diabetic and...
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Longitudinal Stent Deformation: Importance of Stent Type and Stent AppositionPitne, M, van Niekerk E, Dokos S, Pelletier M and Walsh WRAmerican Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 3(3), 63-69. (2013)
Information on stent longitudinal strength is limited to benchtop models using unconstrained stents, consequently having uncertain clinical significance. This study investigated the effects of stent apposition and tube (artery) compliance on stent...
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Low Magnitude High Frequency Vibration Accelerated Cartilage Degeneration but Improved Epiphyseal Bone Formation in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Transect Induced Osteoarthritis Rat ModelQin J, Chow S KH, Guo A, Wong WN., Leung KS and Cheung WHOsteoarthritis and Cartilage. July 2014, Vol.22(7):1061–1067. (2014)
Objectives: To evaluate the effects of low-magnitude high-frequency vibration (LMHFV) on degenerated articular cartilage and subchondral bone in anterior cruciate ligament transection (ACLT) induced osteoarthritis (OA) rat model. 
Growth Factor Stimulation Improves the Structure and Properties of Scaffold-Free Engineered Auricular Cartilage ConstructsRosa RG, Joazeiro PP, Bianco J, Kunz M, Weber JF, et alPLoS ONE 9(8): e105170. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0105170. (2014)
The reconstruction of the external ear to correct congenital deformities or repair following trauma remains a significant challenge in reconstructive surgery. Previously, we have developed a novel approach to create caffold-free, tissue engineering...
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Tissue engineered nucleus pulposus tissue formed on a porous calcium polyphosphate substrateSeguin CA, Grynpas MD, Pilliar RM, Waldman SD and Kandel RASpine, 29(12), 1299-1306. (2004)
STUDY DESIGN: This study describes the formation of nucleus pulposus tissue using a novel tissue engineering approach. OBJECTIVES: To determine if a construct composed of nucleus pulposus tissue on the surface of a calcium polyphosphate...
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Differential roles of endothelin-1 in angiotensin II-induced atherosclerosis and aortic aneurysms in apolipoprotein E-null miceSuen RS, Rampersad SN, Stewart DJ and Courtman DWThe American journal of pathology, 179(3), 1549-1559. (2011)
Because both endothelin-1 (ET-1) and angiotensin II (AngII) are independent mediators of arterial remodeling, we sought to determine the role of ET receptor inhibition in AngII-accelerated atherosclerosis and aortic aneurysm formation. We...
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Elastic modulus of 316 stainless steel lattice structure fabricated via binder jetting processTang Y, Zhou Y, Hoff T, Garon M and Zhao FYMaterials Science and Technology 32(7):1743284715Y.000 · June 2015 DOI: 10.1179/1743284715Y.0000000084
This study mainly evaluates the elastic modulus of 316 stainless steel lattice structures fabricated via binder jetting process. In this present research, both solid and lattice samples are designed and fabricated by binder jetting process for two...
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Experimental Evidence of Mechanical Isotropy in Porcine Lung ParenchymaWeed B, Patnaik S, Rougeau-Browning M, Brazile B, Liao J, Prabhu R and Williams LNMaterials 2015, 8 , 2454-2466; doi:10.3390/ma8052454
Pulmonary injuries are a major source of morbidity and mortality associated with trauma. Trauma includes injuries associated with accidents and falls as well as blast injuries caused by explosives. The prevalence and mortality of these injuries has...
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Injectable Interpenetrating Network Hydrogels via Kinetically Orthogonal Reactive Mixing of Functionalized Polymeric PrecursorsTrevor G, Niels M. B. Smeets and Hoare TACS Macro Letters, September 16, 2015, 1104–9. doi:10.1021/acsmacrolett.5b00362
The enhanced mechanics, unique chemistries, and potential for domain formation in interpenetrating network (IPN) hydrogels have attracted significant interest in the context of biomedical applications. However, conventional IPNs are not directly...
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Defective Bone Mineralization and Osteopenia in Young Adult Fgfr3-/- MiceValverde-Franco G, Liu H, Davidson D, Chai S, Valderrama-Carvajal H, Goltzman D, Ornitz DM and Henderson JEHum Mol Genet, 13(3), 271-284
Mutations that cause constitutive activation of fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) result in skeletal disorders that are characterized by short-limbed dwarfism and premature closure of cranial sutures. In previous work, it was shown that...
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Defects in articular cartilage metabolism and early arthritis in fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 deficient miceValverde-Franco G, Binette JS, Li W, Wang H, Chai S, Laflamme F, Tran-Khanh N, Quenneville E, Meijers T, Poole AR, Mort JS, Buschmann MD and Henderson JEHuman molecular genetics, 15(11), 1783-1792. (2006)
Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor 3 has been identified as a key regulator of endochondral bone development and of post-natal bone metabolism through its action on growth plate chondrocytes and osteoblasts, respectively. It has also been shown...
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Stochastic resonance is a method to improve the biosynthetic response of chondrocytes to mechanical stimulationWeber JF and Waldman SDJournal of Orthopaedic Research 08/2015; DOI:10.1002/jor.23000
Cellular mechanosensitivity is an important factor during the mechanical stimulation of tissue engineered cartilage. While the application of mechanical stimuli improves and properties, chondrocytes also rapidly desensitize under...
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The Effects of Oxidative Stress on the Compressive Damage Thresholds of C2C12 Mouse Myoblasts: Implications for Deep Tissue InjuryYao Y, Xiao Z, Wong S, Hsu YC, Cheng T, Chang CC, Bian L and Mak AFAnn Biomed Eng. 2015 Feb;43(2):287-96. doi: 10.1007/s10439-014-1239-6. Epub 2015 Jan 6.
Deep tissue injury (DTI) is a severe kind of pressure ulcers formed by sustained deformation of muscle tissues over bony prominences. As a major clinical issue, DTI affects people with physical disabilities, and is obviously related to the...
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Experimental Investigation of Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Silica Nanoparticle-Reinforced Poly(acrylamide) Nanocomposite HydrogelsZaragoza J, Babhadiashar N, O’Brien V, Chang A, Blanco M, Zabalegui A, H Lee and Asuri PPLoS ONE 10(8): e0136293. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0136293. (2015)
Current studies investigating properties of nanoparticle-reinforced polymers have shown that nanocomposites often exhibit improved properties compared to neat polymers. However, over two decades of research, using both experimental studies and...
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Infarcted rat myocardium: Data from biaxial tensile and uniaxial compressive testing and analysis of collagen fibre orientationSirry MS, Butler JR, Patnaik SS, Brazile B, Bertucci R, Claude A, McLaughlin R, Davies NH and Liao JData in Brief 8 (2016) 1338–1343
Myocardial infarction was experimentally induced in rat hearts and harvested immediately, 7, 14 and 28 days after the infarction induction. Anterior wall infarct samples underwent biaxial tensile and uniaxial compressive testing. Orientation of...
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A composite hydrogel for brain tissue phantomsForte AE, Galvan S, Manieri F,y Baena FR and Dini DMaterials & Design, 112, 227-238 (2016)
Synthetic phantoms are valuable tools for training, research and development in traditional and computer aided surgery, but complex organs, such as the brain, are difficult to replicate. Here, we present the development of a new composite hydrogel...
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Biomechanical Characterisation of the Human Auricular Cartilage - Implications for Tissue EngineeringGriffin MF, Premakumar Y, Seifalian M, Szarko and Butler PEMAnnals of Biomedical Engineering, 2016. Punlished online, 14Jul2016. DOI: 10.1007/s10439-016-1688-1
Currently, autologous cartilage provides the gold standard for auricular reconstruction. However, synthetic biomaterials offer a number of advantages for ear reconstruction including decreased donor site morbidity and earlier surgery. Critical to...
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Impact of storage conditions on electromechanical, histological and histochemical properties of osteochondral allograftsMickevicius T, Pockevicius A, Kucinskas A, Gudas R, Maciulaitis J, Noreikaite A and Usas ABMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 16(1), 314. (2015)
Background: Osteochondral allograft transplantation has a good clinical outcome, however, there is still debate on optimization of allograft storage protocol. Storage temperature and nutrient medium composition are the most critical factors...
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Electromechanical Assessment of Human Knee Articular Cartilage with Compression-Induced Streaming PotentialsBecher C, Ricklefs M, Willbold E, Hurschler C, and Abedian RCartilage, 7(1) 62-69. (2016)
To assess the electromechanical properties of human knee articular cartilage with compression-induced streaming potentials for reliability among users and correlation with macroscopic and histological evaluation tools and sulfated glycosaminoglycan...
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25th Anniversary Article: Engineering Hydrogels for BiofabricationMalda J, Visser J, Melchels FP, Jüngst T, Hennink WE, Dhert WJA, Groll J and Hutmacher DWAdv. Mater., 25: 5011–5028. doi:10.1002/adma.201302042 (2013)
With advances in tissue engineering, the possibility of regenerating injured tissue or failing organs has become a realistic prospect for the first time in medical history. Tissue engineering - the combination of bioactive materials with cells to...
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Tailoring hydrogel surface properties to modulate cellular response to shear loadingMeinert C, Schrobback K, Levett PA, Lutton C, Sah R and Klein TJActa biomaterialia, October 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2016.10.011
Biological tissues at articulating surfaces, such as articular cartilage, typically have remarkable low-friction properties that limit tissue shear during movement. However, these frictional properties change with trauma, aging, and disease,...
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A fibril-network-reinforced biphasic model of cartilage in unconfined compressionSoulhat J, Buschmann MD and Shirazi-Adl AJournal of Biomechanical Engineering, Jun, 121(3), 340-347. (1999)
Cartilage mechanical function relies on a composite structure of a collagen fibrillar network entrapping a proteoglycan matrix. Previous biphasic or poroelastic models of this tissue, which have approximated its composite structure using a...
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Effect of synovial fluid on boundary lubrication of articular cartilageSchmidt TA and Sah RLOsteoarthritis Cartilage. 2007 Jan;15(1):35-47. Epub 2006 Jul 21
OBJECTIVES: The lubrication of articulating cartilage surfaces in joints occurs through several distinct modes. In the boundary mode of lubrication, load is supported by surface-to-surface contact, a feature that makes this mode...
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Characterization of tissue engineered cartilage products - Recent developments in advanced therapyMaciulaitis J, Rekstyte S, Usas A, Jankauskaite V, Gudas R, Malinauskas M and Maciulaitis RPharmacological Research 113 (2016) 823–832
Legislative requirements for the quality of pharmacological agents underwent certain evolution when new type of therapies emerged. This relates to cell based medicines, such as tissue engineered cartilage products (TECP) which are increasingly...
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Review Paper: Fifty years of brain tissue mechanical testing: From in vitro to in vivo investigationsChatelin S, Constantinesco A and Willinger RBiorheology 47 (2010) 255–276. DOI 10.3233/BIR-2010-0576
Beginning in the 1960s many studies have been performed to investigate the mechanical properties of brain. In this paper we point out the difficulties linked with in vitro experimental protocols as well as the advantages of using recently developed...
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Evaluation of genipin for stabilization of decellularized porcine cartilageElder S, Pinheiro A, Young C, Smith P and Wright EJ Orthop Res. 2016 Nov 18. doi: 10.1002/jor.23483
We speculate that an acellular osteochondral xenograft may be a good alternative to allografts for repair of focal articular cartilage lesions. In order to make a xenograft resistant to enzymatic degradation and to...
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Strengthening of C2C12 mouse myoblasts against compression damage by mild cyclic compressive stimulationYao Y and Mak AFJ Biomech. 2016 Dec 8;49(16):3956-3961. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2016.11.050. Epub 2016 Nov 16
Deep tissue injury (DTI) is a severe kind of pressure ulcers formed by sustained deformation of muscle tissues over bony prominences. As a major clinical issue, DTI affects people with physical disabilities, and is obviously...
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Improved cartilage integration and interfacial strength after enzymatic treatment in a cartilage transplantation modelvan de Breevaart Bravenboer J, In der Maur CD, Bos PK, Feenstra L, Verhaar JA, Weinans H, van Osch GJArthritis Res Ther. 2004;6(5):R469-76. Epub 2004 Aug 6
The objective of the present study was to investigate whether treatment of articular cartilage with hyaluronidase and collagenase enhances histological and mechanical integration of a cartilage graft into a defect. Discs of 3 mm diameter were taken...
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Comparison of natural crosslinking agents for the stabilization of xenogenic articular cartilagePinheiro A, Cooley A, Liao J, Prabhu R and Elder SJ Orthop Res. 2016 Jun;34(6):1037-46. doi: 10.1002/jor.23121. Epub 2015 Dec 18.
Osteochondral xenografts are potentially inexpensive, widely available alternatives to fresh allografts. However, antigen removal from xenogenic cartilage may damage the extracellular matrix and reduce compressive stiffness....
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Biomechanical Characterization of Human Soft Tissues Using Indentation and Tensile TestingGriffin M, Premakumar Y, Seifalian A, Butler PE and Szarko MJournal of Visualized Experiments?: JoVE. 2016;(118):54872. doi:10.3791/54872.
Regenerative medicine aims to engineer materials to replace or restore damaged or diseased organs. The mechanical properties of such materials should mimic the human tissues they are aiming to replace; to provide the...
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Study of the evolution of the osteoarthritis pathology and the mechanical properties of cartilage in a spontaneous osteoarthritis model in the Dunkin-Hartley guinea pigs.Legrand C, Centonze P, Comblain F, Lambert C, Sanchez C and Henrotin YOsteoarthritis and Cartilage, 25, s314-s315.
Purpose: In animal models, the severity of cartilage damage is assessed Read More
Addition of excess thyroid hormone induces detrimental changes in human ex vivo full thickness osteochondral explantsHoutman, E.; van Hoolwerff, M.; Ruiz, A. Rodriguez; Lakenberg, N.; Suchiman, E.; Nelissen, R.; Ramos, Y.; Meulenbelt, I.Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 26 (2018) S400 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joca.2018.02.777
Purpose: By applying 3D in vitro chondrogenesis in a model using human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (hBMSC), it was demonstrated that excess thyroid hormone (T3) and the upregulation of deiodinase iodothyronine type-2 (D2) gene (DIO2), had...
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Injectable and degradable Poly(oligoethylene glycol methacrylate)-based hydrogels-synthetic versatility for improved biomaterial designBakaic E, Smeets N, Imbrogno S and Hoare TOral #327.3 on Friday, May 20 from 14:00 to 15:00 in room 524 during World Biomaterials Congress, Montreal, May 2016.
Introduction: Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-based hydrogels are attractive biomaterials due to their hydrophilic, non-cytotoxic and non-immunogenic properties[1]. We recently reported on in situ-gelling PEG-analogue hydrogels based on...
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Strain Rate Dependence in the Structure Property Relationship of Porcine BrainBegonia MG, Liao J, Horstemeyer MF and Williams LNPaper presented at the ASME 2009 Summer Bioengineering Conference. (2009)
This study examines the internal microstructure evolution of porcine brain during mechanical deformation. Strain rate dependency of porcine brain was investigated under quasi-static compression for strain rates of 0.00625, 0.025, and 0.10 s(-1)....
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Novel Biomechanical Indentation Test Demonstrates Joint Surface Weakening in Mice Lacking Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 3 (FGFR3)Binette JS, Laflamme F, Li W, Valverde-Franco G, Tran-Khanh N, Quenneville E, Henderson JE and Buschmann MDPaper presented at the 11th Canadian Connective Tissue Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada. (2005)
Recent advances in murine molecular genetics has enabled the production of mice with targeted disruption of genes that regulate cartilage and bone metabolism. These mice represent excellent models to study the 0 16 Wild Type etiology and progression...
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Mechanically tunable hydrogels for delivery of adipose derived stem cellsCarroll A, Anjum F, Young S, Flynn L and Amsden BGOral# 442.7 on Saturday, May 21 from 16:30 to 18:30 in room 524 during World Biomaterials Congress, Montreal, May 2016
Introduction: Chondroitin sulphate is an important component GAG found in articular cartilage and has a chondroinductive effect on adipose derived stem cells (ASCs). Methacrylate chondroitin sulphate (MCS) has therefore been chosen as a basis...
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Highly oriented in situ gelling nanocomposite hydrogels as tissue engineering scaffolds for promoting directional cell growthDe France K, Yager KG, Chan KJ, Hoare TR and Cranston EDPoster #P.0554 on Thursday, May 19 from 15:00 to 16:30 in room 220BCD (P3) during World Biomaterials Congress, Montreal, May 2016
Introduction: Patterned hydrogels and polymer scaffolds have attracted attention as platforms for directed cell growth due to the significant impacts cell alignment has on tissue regeneration, mechanical properties and various other cell...
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Viscoelastic properties of collagen hydrogelsDrouin B, Lévesque L, Lainé A, Rosella E, Loy C and Mantovani DPoster #P.0890 on Thursday, May 19 from 15:00 to 16:30 in room 220BCD (P5) during World Biomaterials Congress, Montreal, May 2016
Introduction: Because of their exceptional biological properties, reconstituted collagen gels are widely used as scaffolds even though their low elastic modulus (~ 500 Pa) limits their applications[1],[2]. The mechanical properties of collagen...
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Fully injectable hydrazone-thiosuccinimide and hydrazone-disulfide interpenetrating polymer network hydrogels by kinetically orthogonal cross-linking of functionalized PNIPAM and PVP precurGilbert T and Hoare TPoster #P.0058 on Thursday, May 19 from 15:00 to 16:30 in room 220BCD (P1) during World Biomaterials Congress, Montreal, May 2016.
Introduction: IPNs are produced by interlocking two chemically distinct networks in each other’s free volume fraction. This interlocking and the potential for segregation of the IPNs into inhomogeneous domains can cause mechanical properties...
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Engineering degradable ''smart'' biomedical hydrogels on multiple length scalesHoare TOral #339.2 on Friday, May 20 from 16:30 to 18:30 in room 520B during World Biomaterials Congress, Montreal, May 2016
While multiple types of smart, environmentally-responsive materials have been explored for a variety of biomedical applications (e.g. drug delivery, tissue engineering, bioimaging, etc.), their ultimate clinical use has been hampered by their lack of...
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Articulation-Induced Responses of Superficial Zone Chondrocytes in Human Knee Articular Cartilage - Effects of Shear and SlidingHsu FH, Hui AY, Chen AC, Lotz MK and Sah ROrthopeadic Research Society Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, Abstract 0256
Introduction: During daily physical activities, joint articulation results in 3-10% compression in its overall thickness. There is also consensus that articulation is a combined process of shearing and sliding, with relative rotational and...
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Poro-viscoelastic models applied to porous gelatin scaffoldsLainé A, Drouin B and Mantovani DPoster #P.0901 on Wed May 18 from 15:00 to 16:30 in room 220BCD (P5) during World Biomaterials Congress, Montreal, May 2016.
Introduction: Scaffolds are among the key components of a tissue-engineered construct. Although many different proteins have been used in scaffold preparation, gelatin, which is obtained by degradation of collagen, is a completely...
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The effects of frequency on matrix remodeling induced in dynamically strained collagen-based cellularised scaffoldsLevesque L, Loy C, Lainé A, Bono N, Drouin B and Mantovani DOral.238.51 on Wed May 19 from 16:30 to 18:30 in room 519 during World Biomaterials Congress, Montreal, May 2016
Introduction: In vascular tissue engineering, the understanding of cells behavior inside matrices and under pseudo-physiological treatment is of upmost importance in order to develop arteries and arterial wall models. Indeed, extracted...
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Cellularized collagen gels for tissue engineered vascular wall: in vitro models alternative to in vivo testingLoy C, Meghezi S, Seifu DG, Pezzoli D , Bono N , Levesque L, Drouin B and Mantovani DPoster #P.0616 on Thursday May 19 from 15:00 to 16:30 in room 220BCD (P3) during World Biomaterials Congress, Montreal, May 2016.
Introduction: Type I collagen-gels, as scaffolds for vascular tissue engineering, have a high potential for supporting and guiding vascular cells in the regeneration process. With this in mind, our project was to develop a set of...
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Changes in Collagen and Sulphated Proteoglycan Synthesis by Multilamellated AF Tissues Cultured in vitro on Aligned Nanofibrous Polyurethane Constructs Under Dynamic Compressive LoadingIu J, Santerre JP and Kandel RAPresentation #331.2 on Fri May 20 from 16:30 to 18:30 in room 511E during the World Congress on Biomechanics, Montreal, May 2016.
Introduction: Current treatments for chronic neck or low back pain are not optimal. The replacement of a degenerated intervertebral disc (IVD) with a bioengineered IVD has been investigated as a potential alternative approach. The IVD is...
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Dynamic Axial Loading Disrupts Lateral Integration of Arthritic Human Articular Cartilage and Synthetic Tissue Engineered Scaffolds in an Ex Vivo Ring ModelMintz BR, Papaliodis D, Jordan S, Leonard G, Mulligan M and Cooper JAOrthopeadic Research Society Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, 2015, Abstract 0390
Introduction: Common surgical procedures including mosaicplasty, microfracture, and autologous chondrocyte implantation to promote articular cartilage regeneration account for ~40% of knee arthroscopy.[1] These procedures are reliant on...
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Contrast-Enhanced Computed Tomography Reflects Stiffness of Intact Articular CartilageNickmanesh R, Stewart R, Snyder B, Grinstaff M and Wilson DISMRM Workshop on Imaging Based Measures of Osteoarthritis. Sept 11-14, 2015. Pacific Grove, CA, USA. Presentation on Sept 13 at 14:39.
Purpose: Articular cartilage distributes load in joints and provides a low-friction surface for joint movement. Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) in cartilage plays a critical role in its compressive stiffness. Loss of GAG is an early sign of...
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The Effect Of Superimposed Vibrations On Chondrocytes Subjected To Dynamic Compressive LoadingWeber J and Waldman SOrthopeadic Research Society Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, Abstract 1244
Introduction: Mechanical stimulation is often used as a means to accelerate and improve the growth and properties of tissue engineered cartilage constructs. However, as cartilage cells (chondrocytes) rapidly desensitize to the imposed stimulus...
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Direct reactive electrospinning of degradable hydrogel nanofibers for tissue engineeringXu F, Gough I and Hoare TOral #520.5 on Sunday, May 22 from 14:00 to 16:00 in room 516C during World Biomaterials Congress, Montreal, May 2016.
Hydrogels have received considerable attention in the context of soft tissue engineering due to their as high water contents, (general) cell compatibility, and physicochemical and mechanical similarities to native soft tissues[1]. Most hydrogels used...
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Electroarthrography, a non-invasive streaming potential-based method, measures cartilage quality in live horsesChangoor A, Brett W, Hoba MA, Garon M, Quenneville E, Gordon K, Savard P, Buschmann MD, Hurtig MB and Trout DROsteoarthritis and Cartilage, Vol. 22, Supplement 1, 138, World Congress on Osteoarthritis, April 2014, Paris, France.
Introduction: Degenerative joint diseases, including osteoarthritis, are characterized by progressive cartilage degeneration, which can lead to pain and loss of joint function. Therapeutics administered early, when only low grade cartilage...
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Non-invasive Electroarthrography Correlates to Direct Measurements of Cartilage Streaming Potentials in Weight Bearing Regions of Equine Metacarpophalangeal (Fetlock) JointsChangoor A, Hoba MA, Garon M, Quenneville E, Gordon K, Savard P, Buschmann MD and Hurtig MBTransactions of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, LA, USA, 1123 (2014)
Introduction/Purpose: Electroarthrography (EAG) is a new technology that non-invasively measures cartilage streaming potentials through electrodes contacting the skin surrounding an articular joint. Streaming potentials are produced during...
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Freeze-dried chitosan-PRP implants improve meniscus repair in an ovine modelGhazi Zadeh L, Chevrier A, Hurtig M, Farr J, Rodeo S, Hoemann C and Buschmann MInternational Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS), Sorrento, 2016, Poster P112
Purpose: Menisci are structurally complex and play an essential weight-??bearing role in the knee joint. Although there has been a recent increase in the number of meniscus repairs performed yearly in the US [1], only a small number of all...
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Streaming Potential-Based Arthroscopic Device Discerns Topographical Differences In Cartilage Covered And Uncovered By Meniscus In Ovine Stifle JointsChangoor A, Quenneville E, Garon M, Cloutier L, Hurtig MB and Buschmann MDTransactions of the 53th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Diego, CA, USA, 32:631. (2007)
Animal models of osteoarthritis have been used for understanding diseaseprogression and are essential for assessing potential new therapies. Ovine models, such as the lateral meniscectomy model, are of interest because meniscectomy models often...
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Electroarthrography Provides a Non-invasive Streaming Potential-Based Method for Detecting Cartilage Degeneration in an Equine Model TransactionsChangoor A, Hoba MA, Quenneville E, Garon M, Gordon K, Buschmann MD, Savard P and Hurtig MBThe 59th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Antonio, TX, USA, 1974. (2013)
Degenerative joint diseases, like osteoarthritis, are characterized by progressive cartilage degeneration, which can lead to pain and loss of mobility. Low-grade cartilage deterioration occurs early in disease progression and may be treatable....
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Assessment of allograft performance in vivo using electromechanical properties of articular cartilageUsas A, Mickevicius T, Pockevicius A, Kucinskas A, Maciulaitis J and Gudas RInternational Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS), Sorrento, 2016, Poster P211
Purpose: Clinical outcome of osteochondral allograft transplantation (OAT) depends on allograft quality. There is a lack of rapid and reliable non-destructive methods for intraoperative evaluation of repaired cartilage. Measurement of...
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Biomechanical characterisation of the human nasal cartilages - implications for tissue engineeringGriffin MF, Premakumar Y, Seifalian AM, Szarko M and Butler PEMJournal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 27(1), 1-6. (2016)
Nasal reconstruction is currently performed using autologous grafts provides but is limited by donor site morbidity, tissue availability and potentially graft failure. Additionally, current alternative alloplastic materials are limited by their high...
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Mechanical characterization of matrix-induced autologous chondrocyte implantation (MACI®) grafts in an equine model at 53 weeksGriffin DJ, Bonnevie ED, Lachowsky DJ, Hart JC, Sparks HD, Moran N and Bonassar LJJournal of biomechanics, 48(10), 1944-1949. (2015)
There has been much interest in using autologous chondrocytes in combination with scaffold materials to aid in cartilage repair. In the present study, a total of 27 animals were used to compare the performance of matrix-assisted chondrocyte...
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Decrease of the electrical potentials measured on the surface of the knee and produced by cartilage compression during successive loading cyclesZhu L, Garon M, Quenneville E, Buschmann MD and Savard PJournal of Biomechanics, 49(14), 3587-3591. (2016)
Electroarthrography (EAG) is a new technique formeasuring electrical potentials appearing on the knee surface during loadingthat reflects cartilage quality and joint contact force. Our objective was toinvestigate the evolution of EAG signals during...
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Mechanical loading of knee articular cartilage induced by muscle contraction can be assessed by measuring electrical potentials at the surface of the kneeZhu L, Buschmann MD and Savard PJournal of biomechanics, 49(3), 338-343. (2016)
Electroarthrography (EAG) consists of recording electrical potentials on the knee surface that originate from streaming potentials within articular cartilage while the joint is undergoing compressive loading. The aim was to investigate how the...
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Change in viability of C2C12 myoblasts under compression, shear and oxidative challengesHong Y, Yao Y, Wong S, Bian L and Mak AFJournal of biomechanics, 49(8), 1305-1310. (2016)
Biomechanics and MechanoBiology of Human Cartilage ArticulationHsu FH, Alonso E, Raleigh AR, Saleh AA, Masuda K, Lotz MK, Chen AC and Sah ROrthopeadic Research Society Annual Meeting, 2016, Orlando, USA, Poster abstract 1428
Introduction: During joint articulation, cartilage, particularly that near the articular surface, undergoes a complex combination of compression, shear, and sliding.1,2 In vitro analyses have focused on cartilage biomechanics in response...
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Effects of Biowastes Released by Mechanically Damaged Muscle Cells on the Propagation of Deep Tissue Injury: A Multiphysics StudyYao Y, Da Ong LX, Li X, Wan K and Mak AFAnnals of Biomedical Engineering March 2017, Volume 45, Issue 3, pp 761–774

Deep tissue injuries occur in muscle tissues around bony prominences under mechanical loading leading to severe pressure ulcers. Tissue compression can potentially compromise...
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Changes in growth plate extracellular matrix composition and biomechanics following in vitro static versus dynamic mechanical modulationKaviani R, Londono I, Parent S, Moldovan F and Villemure IJ Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact, 1-11 (2017)
The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of mechanical modulation parameters on structural proteins biocomposition and mechanical properties of the growth plate. Establishing these parameters is a crucial step in the...
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Injectable Poly(oligoethylene glycol methacrylate)-Based Hydrogels Fabricated from Highly Branched Precursor Polymers: Controlling Gel Properties by Precursor Polymer MorphologyIvan Urosev, Helen Dorrington, Nicola Muzzin, Richard Alsop, Emilia Bakaic, Trevor Gilbert, Maikel Rheinst?dter and Todd HoareACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2019, 1, 3, 369-380 January 24, 2019 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsapm.8b00085
The physicochemical properties of injectable hydrogels are typically modified by altering the chemistry of the precursor polymer and/or the amount or type of cross-linker, both of which can lead to hydrogels with altered mechanics, swelling,...
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Intervertebral disc implantR Kandel, JP Santerre, SQ LiUS Patent App. 10195044, 2019
The present inventors have generated the tissues that comprise the intervertebral disc and have established viable protocols and tissue conditions that facilitate integration of all the tissue components into one functional tissue so it can...
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Comparative study on complexes formed by chitosan and different polyanions: Potential of chitosan-pectin biomaterials as scaffolds in tissue engineeringFernanda Carla Bombaldi de Souza, Renata Francielle Bombaldi de Souza, Bernard Drouin, Diego Mantovani and Angela Maria MoraesInternational Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Volume 132, 1 July 2019, Pages 178-189
Polyelectrolyte complexes of chitosan (Ch) and pectin (Pc) or alginate (Alg) were produced in the presence or absence of the silicone gel Silpuran® 2130 A/B (Sil) and the surfactant Kolliphor® P188 (Kol). Ch-Pc-Kol-based formulations presented...
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Autonomously Self-Adhesive Hydrogels as Building Blocks for Additive ManufacturingDeng X, Attalla R, Sadowski LP, Chen M, Majcher MJ, Urosev I, Yin D-C, Selvaganapathy PR, Filipe CDM and Hoare TBiomacromolecules 2017, Published Online, doi: 10.1021/acs.biomac.7b01243
We report a simple method of preparing autonomous and rapid self-adhesive hydrogels and their use as building blocks for additive manufacturing of functional tissue scaffolds. Dynamic crosslinking between 2-aminophenylboronic acid-functionalized...
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Mechanically resilient injectable scaffolds for intramuscular stem cell delivery and cytokine releaseYoung SA, Sherman SE, Cooper TT, Brown C, Anjum F, Hess DA. Flynn LE and Amsden BGBiomaterials. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biomaterials.2018.01.008 (2018)
A promising strategy for treating peripheral ischemia involves the delivery of stem cells to promote angiogenesis through paracrine signaling. Treatment success depends on cell localization, retention, and survival within the mechanically dynamic...
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Ermittlung mechanischer Kennwerte mittels IndentationSeidenstucker MBioNanoMat. 2015; 16 (2-3): 152–156 DOI 10.1515/bnm-2015-9014
(In Germany only) In der Materialprüfung sind Indentationsverfahren bereits seit Jahren g?ngige Praxis. Jedoch war es bisher nicht so ohne weiteres m?glich Gewebeproben, insbesondere Weichgewebe wie Knorpel zu untersuchen. Mit dem Mikroindenter...
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Guidelines for an optimized indentation protocol for measurement of cartilage stiffness - The effects of spatial variation and indentation parametersMoshtagh PR, Pouran B, Korthagen NM, Zadpoor AA and Weinans HJournal of Biomechanics 49(14) · September 2016 DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2016.09.020
Mechanical properties of articular cartilage that are vital to its function are often determined by indentation tests, which can be performed at different scales. Cartilage tissue exhibits various types of structural, geometrical, and spatial...
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Quantitative Analysis of Tissue Damage Evolution in Porcine Liver With Interrupted Mechanical Testing Under Tension, Compression, and Shear.Chen J, Brazile B, Prabhu R, Patnaik SS, Bertucci R, Rhee H, Horstemeyer MF, Hong Y, Williams LN, Liao JJ Biomech Eng. 2018 Jul 1;140(7). doi: 10.1115/1.4039825.
In this study, the damage evolution of liver tissue was quantified at the microstructural level under tensile, compression, and...
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Contrast-Enhanced Computed Tomography (CECT) attenuation is associated with stiffness of intact knee cartilageNickmanesh, Reza; Stewart, Rachel C.; Snyder, Brian D.; Grinstaff, Mark W.; Masri, Bassam A.; Wilson, David R.J. Orthop. Res. First published: 17 April 2018 doi:10.1002/jor.24022
Contrast?enhanced computed tomography (CECT) using charged contrast?agents enables quantification of cartilage glycosaminoglycan content. Since glycosaminoglycan content is a key determinant of cartilage compressive stiffness, CECT measurements have...
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Development of a Breast Cancer Cell Microenvironment in Three-Dimensional Hyaluronic Acid Based HydrogelsFisher, Stephanie Anne.Thesis, University of Toronto. (2018)
Breast cancer cell invasion is influenced by the tumor microenvironment including the extracellular matrix, mechanical properties, stromal cells, and bioactive factors. To elucidate the role of the microenvironment on cell invasion, defined...
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Effects of bone damage on creep behaviours of human vertebral trabeculaeO'Callaghan, Paul; Szarko, Matthew; Wang, Yue; Luo, JinBone Volume 106, January 2018, Pages 204-210 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bone.2017.10.022
A subgroup of patients suffering with vertebral fractures can develop progressive spinal deformities over time. The mechanism underlying such clinical observation, however, remains unknown. Previous studies suggested that creep deformation of the...
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Fibronectin promotes elastin deposition, elasticity and mechanical strength in cellularised collagen-based scaffoldsPezzoli, Daniele; Di Paolo, Joseph; Kumra, Heena; Fois, Giulia; Candiani, Gabriele; Reinhardt, Dieter P.; Mantovani, DiegoBiomaterials Volume 180, October 2018, Pages 130-142 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biomaterials.2018.07.013
One of the tightest bottlenecks in vascular tissue engineering (vTE) is the lack of strength and elasticity of engineered vascular wall models caused by limited elastic fiber deposition. In this study, flat and tubular collagen gel-based scaffolds...
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Glycation marker glucosepane increases with the progression of osteoarthritis and correlates with morphological and functional changes of cartilage in vivoLegrand, Catherine; Ahmed, Usman; Anwar, Attia; Rajpoot, Kashif; Pasha, Sabah; Lambert, Cecile; Davidson, Rose K.; Clark, Ian M.; Thornalley, Paul J.; Henrotin, YvesArthritis Research & Therapy 2018 20:131 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13075-018-1636-6
Changes of serum concentrations of glycated, oxidized, and nitrated amino acids and hydroxyproline and anticyclic citrullinated peptide antibody status combined by machine learning techniques in algorithms have recently been found to...
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In Situ Cross-Linking of Poly (vinyl alcohol)/Graphene Oxide–Polyethylene Glycol Nanocomposite Hydrogels as Artificial Cartilage Replacement: Intercalation Structure, Unconfined Compressive Behavior, and Biotribological BehaviorsMeng, Yeqiao; Ye, Lin; Coates, Phil; Twigg, PeterJ. Phys. Chem. C, 2018, 122 (5), pp 3157–3167 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b12465
Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)/graphene oxide (GO) nanocomposite hydrogel as artificial cartilage replacement was prepared via freezing/thawing method by introducing polyethylene glycol (PEG). Efficient grafting of PVA molecules onto GO surface was...
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Investigating the role of in vivo cell cycle activation within mesenchymal stem cells in the regenerative potential of articular cartilage after injuryMasson, A. O.; Underhill, T. M.; Edwards, W. B.; Krawetz, R. J.Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 26 (2018) S38 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joca.2018.02.092
Purpose: Cartilage has intrinsic poor healing capacity after injury, which can lead to the development of degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis (OA). Current treatments for OA are unable to effectively stop or delay disease progression. Hence,...
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Mechanically enhanced nested-network hydrogels as a coating material for biomedical devicesWang, Zhengmu; Zhang, Hongbin; Chu, Axel J.; Jackson, John; Lin, Karen; Lim, Chinten James; Lange, Dirk; Chiao, MuActa Biomaterialia Volume 70, 1 April 2018, Pages 98-109 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actbio.2018.02.003
Well-organized composite formations such as hierarchical nested-network (NN) structure in bone tissue and reticular connective tissue present remarkable mechanical strength and play a crucial role in achieving physical and biological functions for...
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Models and tissue mimics for brain shift simulationsForte, Antonio E.; Galvan, Stefano; Dini, DanieleBiomech Model Mechanobiol (2018) 17: 249. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10237-017-0958-7
Capturing the deformation of human brain during neurosurgical operations is an extremely important task to improve the accuracy or surgical procedure and minimize permanent damage in patients. This study focuses on the development of an accurate...
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Morphology of cross-linked cellulose nanocrystal aerogels: cryo-templating versus pressurized gas expansion processingOsorio, Daniel A.; Seifried, Bernhard; Moquin, Paul; Grandfield, Kathryn; Cranston, Emily D.Journal of Materials Science July 2018, Volume 53, Issue 13, pp 9842–9860
Cellulose nanocrystal (CNC)-based aerogels are often produced through cryo-templating, followed by either critical point drying or freeze drying. While cryo-templating gives aerogels with a bimodal pore size distribution, better morphological control...
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Nanocolloidal Hydrogel for Heavy Metal ScavengingAlizadehgiashi, Moien; Khuu, Nancy; Khabibullin, Amir; Henry, Andria; Tebbe, Moritz; Suzuki, Toyoko; Kumacheva, EugeniaACS Nano, Article ASAP DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.8b03202 Publication Date (Web): July 6, 2018
We report a nanocolloidal hydrogel that combines the advantages of molecular hydrogels and nanoparticle-based scavengers of heavy metal ions. The hydrogel was formed by the chemical cross-linking of cellulose nanocrystals and graphene quantum dots....
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Optimising the decellularization of human elastic cartilage with trypsin for future use in ear reconstructionRahman, Shafiq; Griffin, Michelle; Naik, Anish; Szarko, Matthew; Butler, Peter EMScientific Reports (2018) 8:3097 DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-20592-x
Decellularized scaffolds can induce chondrogenic differentiation of stem cells. This study compares different methods to optimise the decellularization of auricular cartilage. The process consisted of an initial 12?hour dry freeze thaw which froze...
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Patterning of Structurally Anisotropic Composite Hydrogel SheetsPrince, Elisabeth; Alizadehgiashi, Moien; Campbell, Melissa; Khuu, Nancy; Albulescu, Alexandra; De France, Kevin; Ratkov, Dimitrije; Li, Yunfeng; Hoare, Todd; Kumacheva, EugeniaBiomacromolecules, 2018, 19 (4), pp 1276–1284 DOI: 10.1021/acs.biomac.8b00100
Compositional and structural patterns play a crucial role in the function of many biological tissues. In the present work, for nanofibrillar hydrogels formed by chemically cross-linked cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) and gelatin, we report a...
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Quantifying the Effects of Different Treadmill Training Speeds and Durations on the Health of Rat Knee JointsRios, Jaqueline Lourdes; Boldt, Kevin Rudi; Mather, James William; Seerattan, Ruth Anne; Hart, David Arthur; Herzog, WalterSports Medicine - Open 2018 4:15 https://doi.org/10.1186/s40798-018-0127-2
Background Walking and running provide cyclical loading to the knee which is thought essential for joint health within a physiological window. However, exercising outside the physiological window, e.g. excessive cyclical loading, may produce loading...
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Tribological evaluation of biomedical polycarbonate urethanes against articular cartilageKanca, Yusuf; Milner, Piers; Dini, Daniele; Amis, Andrew A.Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials Volume 82, June 2018, Pages 394-402 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmbbm.2018.04.001
This research investigated the in-vitro wear and friction performance of polycarbonate urethane (PCU) 80A as they interact with articular cartilage, using a customised multidirectional pin-on-plate tester. Condyles were articulated against PCU 80A...
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Tribological properties of PVA/PVP blend hydrogels against articular cartilageKanca, Yusuf; Milner, Piers; Dini, Daniele; Amis, Andrew A.Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials Volume 78, February 2018, Pages 36-45 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmbbm.2017.10.027
This research investigated in-vitro tribological performance of the articulation of cartilage-on- polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) blend hydrogels using a custom-designed multi-directional wear rig. The hydrogels were prepared...
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Visible Light Photoinitiation of Cell Adhesive Gelatin Methacryloyl Hydrogels for Stereolithography 3D BioprintingWang, Zongjie; Kumar, Hitendra; Tian, Zhenlin; Jin, Xian; Holzman, Jonathan F.; Menard, Frederic; Kim, KeekyoungACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Just Accepted Manuscript DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b06607 Publication Date (Web): July 19, 2018
We present the first cell attachable and visible light crosslinkable hydrogels based on gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA) with eosin Y (EY) photoinitiation for stereolithography 3D bioprinting. In order to develop visible a light crosslinkable hydrogel,...
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Peptide-modified methacrylated glycol chitosan hydrogels as a cell-viability supporting pro-angiogenic cell delivery platform for human adipose-derived stem/stromal cellsDhillon J, Young SA, Sherman SE, Bell GI, Amsden BG, Hess DA, Flynn LEJ Biomed Mater Res A. 2018 Nov 3. doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.36573.
Cell-based therapies involving the injection of adipose-derived stem/stromal cells (ASCs) within rationally designed biomaterials...
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Magnesium phosphate hydrogelsF Tamimi Marino, A Ali Al-Hashedi, M Laurenti, A Ebraheem Al Subaie, M-N Abdallah, I Tamimi Marinohttps://patents.google.com/patent/US20190002282A1/en
The present invention relates to magnesium phosphate hydrogels. More specifically, the present invention is concerned with such gels and their uses as scaffolds for bone tissue engineering, as drug delivery systems and in pastes for cleaning dental...
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Injectable Poly(Oligoethylene Glycol Methacrylate)-Based Hydrogels Fabricated from Highly Branched Precursor Polymers: Controlling Gel Properties by Precursor Polymer MorphologyI. Urosev, H. Dorrington, N. Muzzin, R.J. Alsop, E. Bakaic, T. Gilbert, M.C. Rheinstadter, and T. HoareACS Applied Polymer Materials Just Accepted Manuscript, DOI: 10.1021/acsapm.8b00085
The physicochemical properties of injectable hydrogels are typically modified by altering the chemistry of the precursor polymer and/or the...
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Tough, Semisynthetic Hydrogels for Adipose Derived Stem Cell Delivery for Chondral Defect RepairAnjum F, Carroll A, Young SA, Flynn LE and Amsden BGMacromol Biosci. 2017 Jan 13. doi: 10.1002/mabi.201600373.
Cell-based therapies have great potential to regenerate and repair injured articular cartilage, and a range of synthetic and natural polymer-based hydrogels have been used in combination with stem cells and growth factors for this purpose. Although...
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Cryogenic 3D Printing of Super Soft HydrogelsForte AE, Parisi C, Dini D, Di Silvio L and Tan ZScientific Reports 7, Article number: 16293 (2017) doi:10.1038/s41598-017-16668-9
Conventional 3D bioprinting allows fabrication of 3D scaffolds for biomedical applications. In this contribution we present a cryogenic 3D printing method able to produce stable 3D structures by utilising the liquid to solid phase change of a...
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Characterization of a novel decellularized bone marrow scaffold as an inductive environment for hematopoietic stem cellsJ.E. Romero Bianco, R. Giardini Rosa, A. Congrains-Castillo, P.P. Joazeiro, S.D. Waldman, J.F. Weber, and S.T. Olalla SaadBiomater. Sci., 2019, Advance Article, first published on 19 Jan 2019, DOI 10.1039/C8BM01503A
Due to the increasing demand for a bone marrow study model, we developed a natural...
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Comparative study of gelatin methacrylate hydrogels from different sources for biofabrication applicationsZongjie Wang, Zhenlin Tian, Fredric Menard and Keekyoung KimBiofabrication, Volume 9, Number 4, Published 21 August 2017 © 2017 IOP Publishing
Gelatin methacrylate (GelMA) hydrogel is a promising bioink for biofabrication applications due to its cost-effectiveness, ease of synthesis and biocompatibility to allow cell adhesion. However, the GelMA synthesized from a widely used porcine skin...
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Effect of Multiple Confined Compression/Stress Relaxation Cycles on Cross-linked Alginate Pore SizeKolar Venkat S, Risa EL, Antell B and Mobed-Miremadi MBiomedical Engineering Society 2017 (BMES) Phoenix - Arizona
Introduction: Alginate is a biopolymer and hydrogel comprised of (1,4)-linked ?-D-mannuronic (M) and (1,3)-?- L-guluronic (G) acid residues. The average pore size associated with crosslinked high MW 1-2 (w/v%) alginate structures has been...
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Dynamic covalent Schiff-base silicone polymers and elastomersRobert Bui and Michael A. BrookPolymer. Volume 160, 3 January 2019, Pages 282-290 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polymer.2018.11.043
Polymers with dynamically exchanging crosslinks possess the ability to be repurposed, in whole or part, following a stimulus. The ability of imines to undergo dynamic exchange reactions under mild conditions was utilized to chain extend or crosslink...
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Growth and Characterization of Multicellular Spheroids in Cellulose Derived Hydrogels as an Artificial Three-Dimensional ScaffoldMelissa CampbellUniversity of Toronto
The Young’s modulus of each hydrogel was performed on a MachOne Mechanical tester (BMM Inc., QC) using cyclic compression and parallel plate geometry. The hydrogels for testing were pre-formed into disks measuring 3.25 mm in height by...
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Comparison of Regenerative Tissue Quality following Matrix-Associated Cell Implantation Using Amplified Chondrocytes Compared to Synovium-Derived Stem Cells in a Rabbit Model for Cartilage LesionsSchmal, Hagen; Kowal, Justyna M.; Kassem, Moustapha; Seidenstuecker, Michael; Bernstein, Anke; B?ttiger, Katharina; Xiong, Tanshiyue; Sudkamp, Norbert P.; Kubosch, Eva J.Stem Cells International Volume 2018, Article ID 4142031, 12 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/4142031
Known problems of the autologous chondrocyte implantation motivate the search for cellular alternatives. The aim of the study was to test the potential of synovium-derived stem cells (SMSC) to regenerate cartilage using a matrix-associated...
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Laser micro-ablation of fibrocartilage tissue: Effects of tissue processing on porosity modification and mechanicsMatuska, A. M.; McFetridge, P. S.J Biomed Mater Res Part B 2018:106B:1858–1868. https://doi.org/10.1002/jbm.b.33997
The temporomandibular joint disk (TMJd) is an extremely dense and avascular fibrocartilaginous extracellular matrix (ECM) resulting in a limited regenerative capacity. The use of decellularized TMJd as a biocompatible scaffold to guide tissue...
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Comparison of crystallization characteristics and mechanical properties of polypropylene processed by ultrasound and conventional micro-injection moldingMasato, D., Babenko, M., Shriky, B., Gough, T., Lucchetta, G., & Whiteside, B.Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-018-2493-9
Ultrasound injection molding has emerged as an alternative production route for the manufacturing of micro-scale polymeric components, where it offers significant benefits over the conventional micro-injection molding process. In this work, the...
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Supramolecular hydrogels cross-linked by preassembled host–guest PEG cross-linkers resist excessive, ultrafast, and non-resting cyclic compressionChen, X., Dong, C., Wei, K., Yao, Y., Feng, Q., Zhang, K., … Bian, L.Chen, X. et al. NPG Asia Materials 1 (2018). doi:10.1038/s41427-018-0071-0
This study is to investigate and systemically study the mechanical performance of supramolecular PEG hydrogels in comparison with those of the chemical hydrogels cross-linked by conventional PEG diacrylate (PEGDA). The supramolecular cross-links...
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Stochastic Resonance with Dynamic Compression Improves the Growth of Adult Chondrocytes in Agarose Gel ConstructsWeber, J. F., Chiu, L. L. Y., Balko, S., & Waldman, S. D.Weber, J.F., Chiu, L.L., Balko, S. et al. Ann Biomed Eng (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10439-018-02123-x
Dynamic mechanical stimulation has been an effective method to improve the growth of tissue engineering cartilage constructs derived from immature cells. However, when more mature cell populations are used, results are often variable due to the...
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Mechanically-enhanced polysaccharide-based scaffolds for tissue engineering of soft tissuesde Souza, R. F. B., de Souza, F. C. B., Rodrigues, C., Drouin, B., Popat, K., Mantovani, D., & Moraes, A. M.Materials Science and Engineering: C. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msec.2018.09.045
Collagen-based materials are probably among the most used class of biomaterials in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Although collagen is often privileged for providing a suitable substrate on which cells can be cultured or a matrix in...
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Ultra-sensitive microfluidic wearable strain sensor for intraocular pressure monitoringAgaoglu, S., Diep, P., Martini, M., Kt, S., Baday, M., & Araci, I. E.Lab Chip, 2018, DOI: 10.1039/C8LC00758F.
Wearable technologies have potential to transform healthcare by providing continuous measurements of physiological parameters. Sensors that passively monitor physiological pressure without using electronic components are ideal for wearable contact...
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Composite hydrogel: A high fidelity soft tissue mimic for surgeryTan, Z., Dini, D., Rodriguez y Baena, F., & Forte, A. E.Materials & Design, 160, 886–894. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2018.10.018
Accurate tissue phantoms are difficult to design due to the complex non-linear viscoelastic properties of real soft tissues. A composite hydrogel, resulting from a mix of poly(vinyl) alcohol and phytagel, is able to reproduce the viscoelastic...
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Concurrent Assessment of Cartilage Morphology and Bone Microarchitecture in the Human Knee Using Contrast-Enhanced HR-pQCT ImagingMichalak, G. J., Walker, R., & Boyd, S. K.Journal of Clinical Densitometry, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jocd.2018.07.002
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a prevalent articular disease characterized by whole joint degradation, including a