  • Perfecta3D®三维细胞培养悬滴板
    flexcell品牌细胞6孔压力细胞培养板(6-well BioPress® Plates)
    flexcell品牌BioFlex 6孔双向应力细胞培养板(6-well BioFlex Culture Plates)
    flexcell品牌6孔单向应力细胞培养板(6-well Uniflex Culture Plates)
    flexcell品牌HT BioFlex 24孔培养板(24-well HT BioFlex Culture Plates)
    flexcell品牌圆形Tissue Train 6孔三维细胞养板(6-well Tissue Train® Culture Plates)
    flexcell品牌Tissue Train 6孔梯形三维细胞养板(Trapezoidal Tissue Train® Culture Plate)
    flexcell品牌Tissue Train®双轴向圆形泡沫环三维培养板
    人破骨培养板(lonza PA-1000,OsteoAssay Human Bone Plate)
    康宁骨法表面多孔板(Corning osteo assay surface multiwell plates,24 well culture plate)¥3113.49
    人破骨培养板(Corning osteo assay surface multiwell plates,96 well culture plate)
    Corning osteo assay surface multiwell plates,96 well culture plate
    354400,BD BioCoat™ Collagen I, Rat Tail Multiwell* Plates
    356400,BD BioCoat™ Collagen I 6-well Multiwell Plates, tissue-culture
    354500,BD BioCoat™ Collagen I 12-well Multiwell Plates
    BD Falcon* Tissue Culture Plates
    BD Falcon™ - 6-well Cell Culture Plate, tissue-culture treated
    96-Well Treated Tissue Culture Plate
    Remel - Slide Culture Plates
    Tissue Culture Test Plates
    GREINER BIO ONE CELLSTAR Tissue Culture Plates: 6-Well,12-Well,24-Well,48-Well
    Millicell 24 & 96-well Cell Culture Insert Plates
    Millicell 24-well Cell Culture Plate
    xCELLigence System - E-Plate Insert
    CytoOne 12-Well Tissue Culture Plate
    whatman 96 Well Bacterial Growth Plate
    cosmobrand Co-Culture Plate
    Ultra-Low Binding Culture Plate
    Grid Plates-6 Well Tissue Culture Multiwell Plate with Grids|Pioneer
    353503,BD Falcon™ 12-well Cell Culture Insert Companion Plate with lid,tissue-culture treated polystyrene.
    3D Cell Culture Plate - NanoCulture® Plate MS Pattern, Low-Binding, 96-well
    3D Cell Culture Plate - NanoCulture® Plate MS Pattern, Low-Binding, 24-well
    3D Cell Culture Plate - NanoCulture® Plate MS Pattern, High Binding, 96-well
    3D Cell Culture Plate - NanoCulture® Plate MS Pattern, High-Binding, 24-well
    3D Cell Culture Plate - NanoCulture® Plate MH Pattern, Low-Binding, 96-well
    3D Cell Culture Plate - NanoCulture® Plate MH Pattern, Low-Binding, 24-well
    3D Cell Culture Plate - NanoCulture® Plate MH Pattern, High-Binding, 96-well
    3D Cell Culture Plate - NanoCulture® Plate MH Pattern, High-Binding, 24-well
    3D Cell Culture Plate - NanoCulture® Plate MS/MH Pattern, Low-Binding, 96-well
    3D Cell Culture Plate - NanoCulture® Plate MS/MH Pattern, Low-Binding, 24-well
    UltraCruz™ Tissue Culture Plate, 384 Well, Clear, Flat bottom, 32/cs
    UltraCruz™ Tissue Culture Plate, 384 Well, White, Flat bottom, 32/cs
    Millipore® Millicell® cell culture plate inserts pore
    Millicell 24 & 96-well Cell Culture Insert Plates
    millipore Cell-based Assays for Drug Transport
    MultiScreen Plates and Millicell Inserts with Polycarbonate and PET membranes
    MultiScreen plates and Millicell Inserts with MCE membrane
    MultiScreen Plates and Millicell inserts with PTFE Membranes
    Cell Cultureware and Accessories
    ECM Proteins and coated plates
    Millicell Cell Culture Inserts
    sc-204469,UltraCruz™ Polypropylene Storage Plate, 96 Well, clear, 1 ml, U Bottom, individually wrapped, 50/cs
    sc-204470,UltraCruz™ Polypropylene Storage Plate, 96 Well, clear, 2 ml, V Bottom, individually wrapped, 50/cs
    sc-204471,CrystalCruz™ Electrophoresis Plate, Glass, 10x8 cm
    sc-204472,CrystalCruz™ Electrophoresis Plate, Glass, 10x10.5 cm
    sc-205890,UltraCruz™ PCR Plate, 96 well, 0.2 ml 25/pk
    sc-205891,UltraCruz™ PCR Plate, Skirted, 96 well, 0.2 ml 25/pk
    sc-205892,UltraCruz™ PCR Plate, Fast, 96 well, 0.2 ml 25/pk
    sc-205893,UltraCruz™ PCR Plate, Fast, 384 well, 30 ul 25/pk
    sc-205895,UltraCruz™ PCR Plate Seal, Pressure Sealing Micro Mat, 5/pk
    sc-205896,UltraCruz™ PCR Clear Adhesive Plate Seals, 100/cs
  • 8609-0160 60 x 15 mm polystyrene stackable petri dish, 20/sleeve, 500/case $79.00
    8609-0010 100 x 15 mm polystyrene stackable petri dish, 20/sleeve, 500/case $79.00
    8609-5010 100 x 13 mm compact polystyrene slippable petri dish with side arrows and isobars, 30/sleeve, 600/case $85.00
    8609-0215 150 x 15 mm polystyrene slippable petri dish with side arrows and isobars, 10/sleeve, 100/case $65.00
    5662-7102 35 x 10 mm petri dish, PS, 8.5 cm2, triple vents, 10/bag, 740/case $119.75
    5663-9102 145 x 20 mm petri dish, Greiner Bio-One, 15/sleeve, total 120/case $82.25
    5668-8102 120 x 120 x 17 mm square polystyrene petri dish, Greiner Bio-One, non-sterile, 10/sleeve, total 240/case $269.75
    43150012-1 Petri Dish, Media-Saver, Slippable (60 x 15), 500/CS $68.73
    43150019-1(455018)Petri Dish, Compartmented Bi-Plate, Stackable (100 x 15 mm), 500/CS $82.76
    43150021-1(455022)Petri Dish, Compartmented X-Dish, Stackable (100 x 15mm), 500/CS $84.91
    43150020-1(455020)Petri Dish, Tri plate, Compartmented Y-Dish, Stackable (100 x 15mm), 500/CS $82.88
    43150001-1(447238)Petri Dish Dispenser Rack $52.70
    43150017-1(229021)Petri Dish Rack, 100mm (26-Dish Cap.)$135.82
    43150016-1(447236)Petri Dish Rack, 100mm (54-Dish Cap.)$112.04
    43150007-1(229022)Petri Dish Rack, 60mm (64-Dish Cap.)$188.55
    43150018-1(229020)Petri Dish Rack, 60mm (66-Dish Cap.)$257.29
    43150008-1(455024)Petri Dishes, Automation (100 x 15 mm), 500/CS $74.33
    43150015-1 Petri Dishes, Fully Stackable, Mono (100 x 15 mm)500/CS $74.39
    43150024-1(455010)Petri Dishes, Industry Standard Stackable (100 x 15 mm), 500/CS $74.38
    43150022-1(455012)Petri Dishes, Media-Saver Stackable (60 x 15 mm), 500/CS $57.40
    43150014-1 Petri Dishes, Slippable, Deep Mono (100 x 20 mm), 400/CS $72.97
    43150013-1 Petri Dishes, Stackable, Extra Deep Mono (100 X 25 mm), 340/CS $75.56
    43150023-1(455014)Petri Dishes, Standard Slippable (150 x 15 mm), 100/CS $62.87
    43150026-1 60x15mm Petri Dishes $68.31
    30900002-1(458533)CellStar Tissue Culture Dish, 145 x 20mm Sterile (120/CS)$295.02
  • INFORS品牌细胞培养袋(shaker bag)
    takara 细胞培养袋
    VueLife 细胞培养袋
    Gibco® Cell Culture Bags
    Pre-filled Wave Cellbag®,0070037BA,Prefilled Wave with Sf-900™II(Custom)
    Pre-filled Wave Cellbag®,0070049BB,Prefilled Wave with FreeStyle™293(Custom)
    GIBCO® Universal Bag Collection,10564-037,DMEM, High Glucose, GlutaMAX™, HEPES,5 L, ¥2550
    GIBCO® Universal Bag Collection,10564-045,DMEM, High Glucose, GlutaMAX™, HEPES,10 L,¥3780
    GIBCO® Universal Bag Collection,10566-032,DMEM, High Glucose, GlutaMAX™,5 L,¥2550
    GIBCO® Universal Bag Collection,10566-040,DMEM, High Glucose, GlutaMAX™,10 L ¥3780
    GIBCO® Universal Bag Collection,10569-069,DMEM, High Glucose, GlutaMAX™, Pyruvate,5 L,¥2550
    美天旎170-076-400,MACS GMP Cell Differentiation Bag – 100
    美天旎170-076-401,MACS GMP Cell Differentiation Bag – 250
    美天旎170-076-402,MACS GMP Cell Differentiation Bag – 500
    PermaLife Cell Culture Bags,PL07,PermaLife Bag-7ml(7-12ml)
    PermaLife Cell Culture Bags,PL30,PermaLife Bag-30ml,(30-50ml)
    PermaLife Cell Culture Bags,PL70,PermaLife Bag-70ml,(70-145ml)
    PermaLife Cell Culture Bags,PL120,PermaLife Bag-120ml,(120-265ml)
    PermaLife Cell Culture Bags,PL240,PermaLife Bag-240ml,(240-725ml)
    PermaLife Cell Culture Bags,PL325,PermaLife Bag-325ml,(325-1100ml)
    OW0419,Cryogenic Overwrap Bags,4 x 19cm,Used with Cryostore bag-Cryovials
    OW0909,Cryogenic Overwrap Bags,9 x 9cm,Used with Cryostore bag-CS25
    OW0918,Cryogenic Overwrap Bags,9 x 18cmUsed with Cryostore bag-CS25,CS50
    OW1430,Cryogenic Overwrap Bags,14 x 30cm,Used with Cryostore bag-CS250,CS500,CS750
    OW1935,Cryogenic Overwrap Bags,19 x 35cm,Used with Cryostore bag-CS1000
    OW1950,Cryogenic Overwrap Bags,19 x 50cm,Used with Cryostore bag-Custom
    origenbio,Solid Tissue Cryopreservation Bags
    Stem Cell Freezing Bags
    7800105,Lampire® Cell Culture Bag - 50mL Fill Volume – 15 Bags per Box
    7800107,Lampire® Cell Culture Bag - 250mL Fill Volume – 10 Bags per Box
    7800102,Lampire® Cell Culture Bag - 2-Liter Fill Volume – 5 Bags per Box
    7800106,Lampire® Cell Culture Bag - 100mL Fill Volume – 10 Bags per Box
    7800101,Lampire® Cell Culture Bag - 1-Liter Fill Volume – 5 Bags per Box
    Cell Differentiation Bags - Miltenyi Biotec
    Cell Expansion Bags ( #170-076-403 )
  • Magenta® B-cap Jar Lid,no vent,价格:5226元(1000个/箱)
    Magenta® GA-7 Plant Culture Box w/lid,价格:2640元(100 each)
    Magenta® GA-7 Plant Culture Box,w/o lid,价格:2230元(100个/箱)
    Magenta® GA-7-3 Plant Culture Box w/lid 价格:2560元(100个/箱)
    Magenta® GA-7-3 Plant Culture Box w/o lid 价格:2045元(100个/箱)
    Magenta® GA-7/7-3 Vessel Lid价格:960元(100 each)
    Magenta® Plant Culture 7-Way Tray 价格:2905元(50个/箱)
  • flexcell StageFlexer硅胶膜(StageFlexer Membranes)
    flexcell StageFlexer硅胶膜(StagePresser Membranes)
  • 货号 品名 价格
    Micro Scissors,微型剪刀
    INS14177 McPherson-Vannas, straight, 7cm long, 0.1mm tips, 3mm blades
    INS14177-G McPherson-Vannas, straight, 7cm long, 0.1mm tips, 3mm blades, German made 询价
    INS14124 McPherson-Vannas, straight, 8cm long, 0.1mm tips, 5mm blades
    INS14124-G McPherson-Vannas, straight, 8cm long, 0.1mm tips, 5mm blades, German made 询价
    INS500260 Vannas Scissors, angled 45° to side, 8cm long, 0.1mm tips, 5mm blades
    INS500260-G Vannas Scissors, angled 45° to side, 8cm long, 0.1mm tips, 5mm blades, German made 询价
    INS14003 Vannas Scissors, straight, 8cm long, 0.1mm tips, 5mm blades
    INS14003-G Vannas Scissors, straight, 8cm long, 0.1mm tips, 5mm blades, German made 询价
    INS14122 Vannas Scissors 8cm Curved 5mm Blades 0.1mm tips 询价
    INS14122-G Vannas Scissors 8cm Curved 5mm Blades 0.1mm tips, German made 询价
    INS500086 Vannas Scissors, straight, 8.5cm long, 0.025mm x 0.015mm tips, 7mm blades
    INS14127 Spring Scissors, curved, 10.5cm long, 8mm blades
    INS14127-G Spring Scissors, curved, 10.5cm long, 8mm blades, German made 询价
    INS14125 Spring Scissors, straight, extra fine, extra long, 12cm long, 12mm blades
    INS14125-G Spring Scissors, straight, extra fine, extra long, 12cm long, 12mm blades, German made 询价
    INS14126 Spring Scissors, curved, extra fine, extra long, 12cm long, 12mm blades 询价
    INS500228 Noyes Scissors, straight, 12cm long, sharp/sharp tips, 15mm blades
    INS500228-G Noyes Scissors, straight, 12cm long, sharp/sharp tips, 15mm blades, German made 询价
    INS15905 Spring Scissors, straight, 14cm long, 8mm blades
    INS15905-G Spring Scissors, straight, 14cm long, 8mm blades, German made 询价
    INS15906 Spring Scissors, curved, 14cm long, 8mm blades 询价
    INS15906-G Spring Scissors, curved, 14cm long, 8mm blades, German made 询价
    INS14111 Spring Scissors, straight, round handles, 14cm long, 0.025mm x 0.015mm tips, 7mm blades
    INS14111-G Spring Scissors, straight, round handles, 14cm long, 0.025mm x 0.015mm tips, 7mm blades, German-made 询价
    INS14112 Spring Scissors 14cm Round Handles Curved 7mm Blades 询价
    INS14112-G Spring Scissors 14cm Round Handles Curved 7mm Blades, German made 询价
    Small Animal Surgery Tray,小动物手术托盘
    LS-4490 Small Animal Surgery Tray (Elastic Stays sold separately) 询价
    LS-3550-1G Blunt Hook Stays, dual lead, 12mm hook, individually packaged 询价
    LS-3350-8G Blunt Hook Stays, single lead, 12mm hook 询价
    LS-3316-8G Blunt Hook Stays, single lead, 5mm hook 询价
    LS-3311-8G Sharp Hook Stays, single lead, 5mm hook 询价
    LS-3314-8G Sharp Hook Stays, single lead, 3mm hook 询价
    LS-3205-8G Blunt Hook High Impact Stays, single lead, 5mm hook 询价
    LS-3111-4G Sharp Hook Stays, double ended, adjustable, 5mm hook 询价
    Dumont #5 Tweezers - Kent Scientific Corporation
    INS500085 5号杜蒙镊子(Dumont #5,)Dumostar, 12cm long, 0.025mm x 0.015mm tips 询价
    INS500233 5号杜蒙镊子(Dumont #5,) Dumostar, 11cm long, 0.1mm x 0.06mm tips 询价
    INS14096 5号杜蒙镊子(Dumont #5,) Titanium, 11cm long, 0.1mm x 0.06mm tips 询价
    5号杜蒙镊子(Dumont #5,) Dumoxel, 11cm long, 0.1mm x 0.06mm tips 询价
    INS500235< Dumont #55, biology, Dumostar, 11cm long, 0.05mm x 0.01mm tips 询价
    INS501202 5号杜蒙镊子(Dumont #5,) Biologie, self closing 11cm length, 0.05 x 0.01 mm tips 询价
    INS14099 Dumont #55, biology, Inox, 11cm long, 0.05mm x 0.01mm tips 询价
    INS500341 5号杜蒙镊子(Dumont #5,) Inox, 11cm long, 0.05mm x 0.01mm tips 询价
    INS14101 5号杜蒙镊子(Dumont #5,) bent at 45° angle, Stainless Steel, 11cm long, 0.05mm x 0.01mm tips 询价
    INS500232 5号杜蒙镊子(Dumont #5,) half curved, Stainless Steel, 11cm long, 0.02mm x 0.06mm tips 询价
    INS14095 5号杜蒙镊子(Dumont #5,) Stainless Steel, 11cm long, 0.05mm x 0.01mm tips 询价
    INS500234 Dumont #5B, bent at 45° angle, Inox, , 11cm long, 0.05mm x 0.01mm tips 询价
    INS14400 5号杜蒙镊子(Dumont #5,) Titanium, 11cm long, 0.05mm x 0.01mm tips 询价
    INS501201 5号杜蒙镊子(Dumont #5,) Medical 90 degree bent, 11cm length, 0.05 x 0.01 mm tips 询价
    INS501985 5号杜蒙镊子(Dumont #5,) Inox, Finest tips 11cm length, 0.025 x 0.005 mm tips 询价
    Needle Holders,剪刀式针
    INS14109 Needle Holder, serrated, straight, delicate, 12.5cm long 询价
    INS14109-G Needle Holder, serrated, straight, delicate, 12.5cm long, German made 询价
    INS14110 Needle Holder, serrated, straight, 12.5cm long 询价
    INS14110-G Needle Holder, serrated, straight, 12.5cm long, German made 询价
    INS14137 Castroviejo Needle Holder, wide serrated tips with lock, 14cm long 询价
    INS14137-G Castroviejo Needle Holder, wide serrated tips with lock, 14cm long, German made 询价
    INS500223 Castroviejo Needle Holder Straight With Lock 14cm Serrated Tungsten Carbide Jaws 询价
    INS14080 Needle Holder 14cm Handles 0.3mm Str Jaws 询价
    INS14080-G Needle Holder 14cm Handles 0.3mm Str Jaws, German made 询价
    INS14081 Needle Holder 14cm Round Handles, Curved, 0.3mm Jaws 询价
    INS14081-G Needle Holder 14cm Round Handles, Curved, 0.3mm Jaws, German made 询价
    INS15926 Needle Holder 14cm Straight Serrated T/C Jaws 询价
    INS15926-G Needle Holder 14cm Straight Serrated T/C Jaws, German made 询价
    INS500224 Crile Wood Needle Holder 14cm Serrated Tungsten Carbide Jaws 询价
    INS500225 Mathieu Needle Holder 14cm Serrated Tungsten Carbide Jaws 询价
    INS500226 Ryder Needle Holder 13cm Serrated Tungsten Carbide Jaws 询价

    Tying Forceps,捆扎钳

    Forceps with Tying Platform, straight, 8.5cm long(8.5cm 长直捆扎器)


    Tying Forceps,捆扎钳

    Forceps with Tying Platform, angled, 8.5cm long(8.5cm 长曲度捆扎器)

    INS14089 Friedman Ronguer, 12cm long, 2.5mm jaw width
    INS14089-G Friedman Ronguer, 12cm long, 2.5mm jaw width, German made 询价
    INS14091 Blumenthal Ronguer, 15cm long, 3mm jaw width
    INS14091-G Blumenthal Ronguer, 15cm long, 3mm jaw width, German made 询价
    INS14292 Micro Friedman Ronguer, 16cm long, 1.3mm jaw width
    INS14292-G Micro Friedman Ronguer, 16cm long, 1.3mm jaw width , German made 询价
    INS500358 Liston Bone Cutting Forceps, 19cm long
    INS500369 Barraquer Retractor, 4cm long, 10mm blades, 30mm maximum spread 询价
    INS500369-G Barraquer Retractor, 4cm long, 10mm blades, 30mm maximum spread, German made 询价
    INS14130 Wire Speculum, 5cm long, 10mm blades, max. spread 24mm
    INS14130-G Wire Speculum, 5cm long, 10mm blades, max. spread 13mm, German made 询价
    INS14131 Wire Speculum, 5cm long, 10mm blades-closed, max. spread 24mm 询价
    INS14240 ALM Self-retaining, serrated, 7cm long, 4 x 4 prongs
    INS14240-G ALM Self-retaining, serrated, 7cm long, 4 x 4 prongs, German made 询价
    INS146500 Agricola Retractor 1.5” (3.8cm) 3X4 4mm 询价
    INS500388 Adjustable High Temp. Cautery, Fine Tip, 815°C to 1148°C, sterile 询价
    INS500389 High Temp. Cautery, includes 1 replacement battery and 1 fine tip 询价
    INS500390 Low Temp. Cautery, includes 1 replacement battery and 1 fine tip 询价
    INS500391 Low Temp. Cautery Kit, includes 1 replacement battery, 3 fine tips, and 2 long tips 询价
    INS500392 High Temp. Cautery Kit, includes 1 replacement battery, 3 fine tips, and 2 loop tips 询价
    INS500393 Disposable High Temp. Loop Tip, 1093°C, sterile 询价
    INS500394 Disposable High Temp. Fine Tip, 1093°C, sterile 询价
    INS500395 Disposable Low Temp. Long Tip, 593°C, sterile 询价
    INS500396 Disposable Low Temp. Fine Tip, 704°C, sterile 询价
    INS501090 Adjustable Low Temp. Cautery, Fine Tip, 371°C to 648°C, sterile 询价
  • SUPERMAX Velocity™乳胶手套
    货号 简述 价格
    G-4009-XS Aurelia Velocity Latex Exam, Powder Free, 1000/cs, X-Small 1195元,792元
    G-4009-S Aurelia Velocity Latex Exam, Powder Free, 1000/cs, Small 1195元,792元
    G-4009-M Aurelia Velocity Latex Exam, Powder Free, 1000/cs, Medium 1195元,792元
    G-4009-L Aurelia Velocity Latex Exam, Powder Free, 1000/cs, Large 1195元,792元
    G-4009-XL Aurelia Velocity Latex Exam, Powder Free, 1000/cs, X-Large 1195元,792元
  • GeneMate八连排0.2ml带立盖的PCR管

    0.2ml thin-wall thermal cycler tube with dimensional uniformity throughout the sidewall and the conical bottom.

    Optimum uniform contact with the thermal cycler temperature block is ensured, resulting in consistently superior well-to-well temperature transfer and rapid cycle times.

    The top surface of the tube is chamfered to smoothly guide the cap to a secure locking position.

    The "snap seal" design gives positive and absolute assurance the tubes will resist popping open during thermal cycling and incubation stages.

    货号 数量 颜色 简述 价格
    Strip caps only:
    T-3014-1FC 125 strips of 8 Optically Clear, Natural 8-Strip Caps, Flat 234,160元
    T-3014-1C 125 strips/pk Natural 8-Strip Dome Caps 212,150元
    T-3014-2C 125 strips of 8 Assorted 8-Strip Dome Caps 224.5元
    T-3014-BC 125 strips of 8 Blue 8-Strip Dome Caps 224.5元
    T-3014-GC 125 strips of 8 Green 8-Strip Dome Caps 224.5元
    T-3014-RC 125 strips of 8 Red 8-Strip Dome Caps 224.5元
    T-3014-PC 125 strips of 8 Purple 8-Strip Dome Caps 224.5元
    T-3014-YC 125 strips of 8 Yellow 8-Strip Dome Caps 224.5元
    Strip tubes & caps together:
    T-3218-1 125 strips of 8 Natural 8-Strip Tubes and Flat Caps 1447.5,825元
    T-3218-1CS 10 packs of 125 strips of 8 Natural 8-Strip Tubes and Flat Caps 13024.5,7425元
    T-3014-1 125 strips of 8 Natural 8-Strip Tubes and Dome Caps 1447.5,722.5元
    T-3014-1CS 10 packs of 125 strips of 8 Natural 8-Strip Tubes and Dome Caps 1302.4.56502.5元
    T-3014-2 125 strips of 8 Assorted 8-Strip Tubes and Dome Caps 1500,815元
    T-3014-B 125 strips of 8 Blue 8-Strip Tubes and Dome Caps 1471元,815元
    T-3014-G 125 strips of 8 Green 8-Strip Tubes and Dome Caps 1471元,815元
    T-3014-R 125 strips of 8 Red 8-Strip Tubes and Dome Caps 1471元,815元
    T-3014-P 125 strips of 8 Purple 8-Strip Tubes and Dome Caps 147.05,81.50
    T-3014-Y 125 strips of 8 Yellow 8-Strip Tubes and Dome Caps 1471元,815元